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Why do cars burn oil fast in summer

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Why do cars burn oil fast in summer


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  • 2023-11-14 13:00:06

    1. The reason why the engine oil burns fast in summer may be that the piston ring is worn or damaged, and the gap angle between the piston ring and the piston ring opening changes, which causes a large amount of engine oil to enter the combustion chamber and burn engine oil.

    2. The serious wear of cylinder liner also causes the oil to enter the combustion chamber and burn the oil.

    3. The oil level of the crankcase is too high, or the aging and cracking of oil seals at the crankshaft and other places lead to oil leakage.

    4. The crankcase is poorly ventilated, so that the fuel vapor in the crankcase cannot be discharged, and the engine oil leaks due to the increase of crankcase pressure.

    5. The engine speed is too high. The current engines are all high speed engines, and too fast speed will definitely increase fuel consumption.

    6. The fuel consumption varies with the environment in which the car is used. For example, in mountainous and flat areas, the quality of fuel and the proficiency of drivers will affect the engine oil consumption.

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