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Crystal Love Jelly

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Crystal Love Jelly


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  • 2024-05-26 12:00:00

    In fact, Crystal Love Crystal Jelly has two meanings. One is crystal jelly in the general practical sense, which can be eaten, and the other is a special tool for sexual life. So, what does Crystal Love Crystal Jelly mean? How to remove Crystal Jelly?

    What does it mean to send girl crystal jelly

    The shape design of crystal jelly is updated from the traditional small plate style to the heart shape. Two cartoon characters hold each other on the seal, which adds some style to this kind of peach crystal jelly. The gift box of Crystal Love is a small heart shaped box containing multiple heart shaped crystal jellies; The colors are dark blue, blue purple and pink. Each color of crystal jelly has a different name, romantic dream story and love flavor. A kind of color crystal love means a kind of emotion "expression of love"

    What does Crystal Jelly mean

    Bright red dream story: I really miss you

    Light yellow pornographic dream story: Thank you for your love

    Story of emerald green dreamlike: I like you

    Dark blue pure dream story: I only care about you

    Blue purple brilliant dream story: wonderful with you

    Pink Love Story: Love you for life will not change

    I want to hear from a friend of mine, so that I can remember him.

    Crystal Love How to Remove Crystal Jelly

    The pharmacy should be able to purchase disposable equipment for vaginal lavage, and then buy a bottle of lotion to wash the vagina. Crystal jelly needs to be cleared immediately, otherwise I think it is irritant to the vagina and cervix.

    The Origin of Crystal Love

    Once upon a time, a couple loved to eat jelly. The boy bought crystal jelly for her to eat in every tryst. And every time I go to the same area to buy the same brand of crystal jelly. Then one time, boys and girls had a tryst again, but there was no crystal jelly of any brand in the store they always visited. The boy bought crystal jelly of other brands. The girl was not happy when the boy didn't take the crystal jelly of the brand she liked. The boy also knew that there was crystal jelly of this brand in the opposite street, Then the boy asked the girl to stay where she was and wait. He went across the street to buy it. While crossing the street, a car came in the opposite direction. At the moment when the girl screamed, the boy flew away and then fell into a pool of blood.

    Since then, girls have developed a kind of crystal jelly and named it "Crystal Love".


    2024-05-26 12:00:00

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