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Solution of 4x 8=12x × 4-8 equation

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Solution of 4x+8=12x × 4-8 equation


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  • 2023-11-06 17:00:30

    4x + 8=12x Ⅹ The solution x of the 4-8 equation is 4/11. It is known from the question that this equation is a univariate linear equation, and according to the solution rules of the linear equation, 48x-4x=16 → 44x=16 → x=16/44=4/11 is obtained, so the above answer is obtained. The answer is over.

    Solution of 4x+8=12x × 4-8 equation

    This is a univariate linear equation. You can put constants aside and those with unknowns aside, that is, you can shift terms




    X=16 ÷ 44=0.36 (two decimal places reserved)

    Solution of 4x+8=12x × 4-8 equation

    This question can be solved as follows:






    After checking, the left and right sides of the equation are equal to 104/11.

    The above is the solution step of this problem. You can get the answer as long as you follow the steps of solving the equation step by step and pay attention to the positive and negative sign changes after the shift.

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