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Efficacy and function of overnight tea

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Efficacy and function of overnight tea


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  • 2024-05-25 17:01:48

    As we all know, overnight tea is harmful and cannot be eaten again, but many people are not aware that overnight tea has other effects. There are many functions and effects of overnight tea. For example, many people wash their hair with overnight tea, which often makes their hair more and more dark and beautiful, and some people soak their feet with overnight tea hot water. Let's master the effects of overnight tea.

    If you wash your hair with overnight tea water, it has multiple functions. Tea leaves have anti-inflammatory and germicidal effects. We can usually add the remaining soup color to boil, then put it in at a moderate temperature and use the boiled tea tea to wash your hair. That can cure scalp inflammation, itching and other diseases, and can also prevent hair loss.

    If you wash your hair with overnight tea immediately, it can have the practical effect of relieving itching, stopping hair loss and removing dandruff. For some people with sparse eyebrows, you can use a soft hair brush to brush their eyebrows with overnight tea every time. After three to five months, the eyebrows will become more and more dense and shiny. In addition, there are also some people with bad breath who can reduce and remove the odor if you rinse your mouth with overnight tea.

    Overnight tea has been brewed for a long time, and most vitamins have been lost, so it is not suitable to be eaten again. However, if it is not mouldy, it has many functions and can give full play to other functions. It contains rich and colorful acids, which can prevent capillary bleeding, such as stomatitis, tongue pain, eczema, gum bleeding, sores and ulcers, It can be cured with overnight tea.

    What are the functions of overnight tea? The tea base can be boiled with water and used to soak feet in hot water, which can promote the blood circulation system, prevent and improve beriberi. If it is used to rinse the mouth, it can reasonably eliminate bad breath. In addition, it can also eliminate germs in the mouth and prevent bad breath and tooth decay. Usually, the remaining soup color can also be dried, and then packed in a small sand cloth packaging bag, and put it into the refrigerator or car to digest and absorb the odor and moisture in the body. In addition, you can also use tea base to make dishes. For example, when cooking pork with streaks is more greasy, you can add soup color to remove the greasy feeling. In addition, you can make dishes more and more fragrant.

    The above is about the effect of overnight tea on hair washing and other functions. It can be seen that although overnight tea is not suitable for drinking clothes, it can give full play to other functions. It can be used to wash hair, soak feet in hot water, rinse and clean the mouth, and has certain effects. Therefore, we recommend that you drink the remaining overnight tea or soup color, You don't need to throw it away at will. You can use it to give full play and prevent waste.

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