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A Complete List of Steamed Sliced Pork Bowls

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A Complete List of Steamed Sliced Pork Bowls


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  • 2024-05-25 15:00:00

    Steamed bowl with sliced meat is a common practice. At first, we should prepare raw materials such as streaky pork, ginger slices, soy sauce, garlic and its pepper in advance. Then, after slicing the sliced meat, we should carry out the actual operation of watering the meat particles. Then, we should pot it in cold water, successively add onion segments, ginger slices, etc. to carry out the explosion of the pot, and finally add sliced meat and stew it in low heat for half an hour, After picking up the sliced meat, put it into a bowl and steam it in a cage drawer for 15 minutes.

    1. Clean the fat and thin raw pork and cut it into small pieces with a thickness of 5cm

    2. Prepare various raw materials for cooking meat, including two kinds of soy sauce, soy sauce coloring, and soy sauce flavor enhancement

    3. Put the cut meat into the pot in cold water, and blanch the meat once in the fire.

    4. Reserve the meat grains for blanching water

    5. Put the onion, ginger slices and garlic cloves into the pot again in cold water, and bring to a boil

    6. After the water boils, put the meat into the pot, add dried chili, pepper, star anise, and ginger. Pour in proper old soy sauce and light soy sauce, cover the lid, and simmer for 15 minutes on fire, and then transfer the text to the fire for 60-75 minutes. After that, turn off the fire and let the meat soak in the sauce to make it taste better. If you use it, take off some of it. Of course, put the rest into the cold room or refrigeration

    7. Add proper amount of dried beans (dried cowpeas), and soak with small water

    8. Remove the frozen meat particles and slightly unfreeze them before slicing

    9. Cut the soaked dried beans into sections, put them into a sea bowl, and evenly sprinkle a layer of salt.

    10. Cover the small meat on the beans

    11. Add proper amount of cold water to the pot, place the steaming bowl on the steamer drawer, boil it over high heat, and then steam it up and down for 25 minutes

    12. Mix seasoning juice, salt, sugar, soy sauce, sesame oil and garlic yellow cut into strips evenly. After the steaming bowl is steamed, evenly sprinkle the sauce into the steaming bowl, cover it and stew for a while, then the pot can start.

    Other methods of sliver meat

    Food preparation in advance

    Streaky pork, Flammulina velutipes, Ma pepper, star anise, ginger, white pepper, rice wine, soy sauce, soy sauce, salt.

    Mode and process

    1. Clean the streaky pork, put cold water into the pot and boil it until 7, then pick it up and cool it to clean it;

    2. After drying the meat, spread pure honey on it, heat the oil in the pan to 60%, then add the meat, and fry it gently until golden yellow;

    3. Clean the fried meat, cut it into thin pieces, and put it into a bowl with its skin facing down;

    4. In a small plate, add salt, soy sauce and rice wine, mix them evenly, pour them on the meat, and then add star anise, ginger, garlic, pepper, ginger and white pepper;

    5. Cover with a small amount of Flammulina velutipes, add a small amount of bone soup, and steam for 2 hours.

    The practice of pure strip meat

    Food preparation in advance

    Streaky pork, pepper, dried chili, star anise, white granulated sugar, rice wine, salt, ginger slices.

    Mode and process

    1. Wash and boil the raw pork until it is 8 minutes cooked, then control it to dry, and smear it with pure honey and soy sauce;

    2. Then deep fry it in a pot until golden brown, cool it and slice it, put it into a bowl for standby;

    3. Then add ginger slices, pepper, star anise, soy sauce, rice wine, dried pepper, salt and white granulated sugar;

    4. Then put the meat bowl into the frying pan and steam it for 50 minutes or 35 minutes for the pressure cooker.


    The vegetable oil will overflow after steaming, so the condiment cannot be overfilled.

    How to make strips of meat with dried plum vegetables

    Food preparation in advance

    500g pork belly, 50g dried vegetable with mould, 5g ginger and garlic, 5g salt, 10g rice wine, 10g sesame oil, proper soy sauce and white granulated sugar.

    Mode and process

    1. Soak the dried musty vegetables overnight, and then clean away the fine sand;

    2. Clean the ginger and garlic, cut them into pieces, clean the pork, put water in the pot, and put ginger, garlic, star anise, star anise and rice wine into it;

    3. Then put in streaky pork, boil it until it turns white, pick it up, smear soy sauce, and dry it in the sun;

    4. Put a layer of oil on the pot, boil it, put the skin and meat down, and gradually fry and roast it in the next pot until it is golden yellow;

    5. Put the remaining oil in the pot into the soaked catch up and a small amount of juice, add soy sauce, old rock sugar seasoning, and simmer for 15 minutes;

    6. Cut the chilled pork belly into slices, place it in a bowl with the skin down evenly, and then cover the fried dry vegetables without mold;

    7. Then put it into a pressure cooker and steam it for 20 minutes. After boiling, filter out the fat and steam it for another 20 minutes;

    8. Remove the mold from the pan and put it into a large plate.

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