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Heat of a peanut

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Heat of a peanut


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  • 2024-05-26 12:00:00

    Peanut kernels are a variety of ingredients. Peanut kernels are crispy and delicious when fried. They can also be cooked and eaten easily. Peanut kernels can also be washed and eaten raw. The actual effect is good for strengthening the spleen and stomach. For obese people who lose weight, they usually need to eat some low-fat and low calorie ingredients, which is good for losing weight, The ingredients of high calorie food are very easy to make people fat. Many fat people are more concerned about how much the calorific value of a peanut kernel is, and how much is the calorific value of a peanut kernel? Let's have a look next.

    1、 How much is the calorific value of a peanut kernel?

    A peanut kernel has a high calorific value, which is 298 calories per 100 grams, and 25.4 grams per 100 grams of body fat.

    2、 Can peanuts be eaten with poor stomach?

    Some basin friends with stomach problems will pay attention to health care, so under the condition of poor stomach, peanuts should not be eaten. Among the benefits of peanut kernel, we mentioned that it has one of the functions of invigorating the spleen and stomach, but in fact it has significantly improved stomach swelling and gastric juice. But here we should pay attention to that if you are a friend with stomach disease, you need to pay attention to that some patients are allergic to the red clothes of peanut kernel, Therefore, it is emphasized here that it is not recommended to eat a small handful of food every day.

    3、 Eating too much raw peanuts?

    From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, peanut kernels belong to warm nature, so the objective fact is that peanut kernels are not easy to get angry when eaten too much raw. However, it is worth mentioning that as diners, in the world of specialty food, most people do not just eat raw peanuts. Some people like blanching and frying. Although the taste is considered, the taste is also very good. However, due to the addition of various condiments and vegetable oils, peanut kernels are no longer healthy physically and mentally, and it is very easy to get angry when taking them. Therefore, we strongly recommend raw peanuts or boiled peanuts with original ecology. The strongly recommended relatively healthy eating method is more healthy than other heavy taste eating methods, such as frying, which is favored by everyone. It is not easy to cause the human body to get angry.

    4、 How many peanuts are suitable for one day?

    As the saying goes, "medicine is divided into three kinds of poisons". If the words are rough, no matter how expensive or delicious things are, you can't eat more. Even the medicine for medical treatment is the same. Therefore, although our peanut kernels are good, you can't take too much, otherwise our human body will suffer from discomfort, such as diarrhea. Take a small handful every day, similar to 15g, and it is recommended to take it in batches.

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