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Chives and what can't be eaten together

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Chives and what can't be eaten together


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  • 2024-05-26 01:00:00

    When it comes to such woody plants as amaranth, we firmly believe that the first thing that many people think of is amaranth dumplings. In fact, amaranth is a kind of food material with very high efficacy, function and use value, which has excellent functions such as stomach strengthening, digestion, sweat suppression, etc. It also contains rich and colorful nutritional elements and vitamins, which can promote appetite, promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis and stasis, warm the kidney, invigorate the kidney and strengthen yang. But amaranth can't be taken with any food. So what can't be taken with amaranth?

    There are many ways to make amaranth, which can be used as stuffing for dumplings, meat dumplings, steamed buns, etc. The taste is excellent, which can greatly improve the appetite. In addition, amaranth is not a good food and may not be taken with all ingredients. Therefore, I will explain to you in detail what can't be eaten together with amaranth to prevent you from taking it carelessly and causing adverse effects.


    Amaranth, a perennial woody plant of Liliaceae, is used as medicine for its seeds and leaves. It has the functions of strengthening stomach, digestion, refreshing, anti perspiration, astringency, etc. In traditional Chinese medicine, some people call amaranth "sausage herb". Not only that, amaranth also has many names. Amaranth is also called grass milk, morning primrose, and perennial grass, also known as flat vegetable. The historical time of using amaranth as medicine can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period. Amaranth has strong adaptability, cold resistance and high temperature resistance. It is planted everywhere in China's provinces. Many regions in the south can produce for a long time. In the north, although part of the ground withers in winter, the underground edge goes into a dormant state. After the subsoil is unfrozen in early spring, it sprouts and grows.

    Nutritional composition

    Amaranth has a high nutritional content. The key nutrients of amaranth include vitamin C, vitamin b21, vitamin b22, niacin, carotene, carbohydrate compounds and minerals. In addition, amaranth has the volatile propylene sulfide, so it has a spicy taste and has the effect of promoting appetite. Amaranth is not only used for cooking, but also has excellent efficacy and function. Its root tastes pungent, enters the liver meridian, Pengzhong, regulates qi, dissipates blood stasis, leaves taste sweet, pungent and salty, warm, enters the stomach, liver, spleen meridian, regulates qi and dissipates blood stasis in Pengzhong. Amaranth promotes blood circulation, dissipates blood stasis and dissipates blood stasis, promotes qi to reduce adverse events, warms the kidney, invigorates the kidney and invigorates yang, and leek juice has inhibitory effects on dysentery bacillus, typhoid bacillus, Escherichia coli, and staphylococcus. Amaranth also contains rich and colorful methyl cellulose. Each 100g of amaranth contains 1.5g of methyl cellulose, which is higher than shallots and lettuce. It can promote intestinal motility, prevent the generation of colorectal cancer, and reduce the digestion and absorption of cholesterol. It has the effect of preventing and treating arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease and other diseases. Although amaranth has many benefits to the body, it is not good to have more. Amaranth has more dietary fiber and is not easy to digest, so you can not eat too much amaranth at a time, otherwise many dietary fiber will stimulate the intestinal cavity and usually cause diarrhea. It is better to control 100 to 200 grams per meal, not more than 400 grams.

    Taboo group

    Production of edible vaccine: men and women, old and young, should be salty. When eating, they can use amaranth (leek) as the main material, as well as seasoning, or as the filling of dumplings and meat dumplings. Patients with deficiency cold constitution, unsmooth skin, constipation, hemorrhoids and gastrointestinal cancer should take more than 50g each time. It is suitable for people with night blindness and dry eyes. Because amaranth often contains a lot of pro vitamin D, it can keep all the normal functions of rhodopsin.

    Vaccine production ban: People with kidney yin deficiency but abundant internal fire, weak intestines and stomach but heat, ulcers, and eye diseases should be careful.

    Amaranth and what can't be eaten together

    Food restriction

    1. Amaranth cannot be eaten together with beef and mutton. Because both belong to hot food, it is easy to get angry after eating, or it is very easy to cause persistent diseases or other diseases.

    2. Amaranth cannot be eaten with pure honey. If the two ingredients are eaten in turn in a relatively short period of time, a painful situation will occur.

    3. Amaranth can't be eaten with broccoli. If you eat too much, you will have diarrhea. Maybe some basin friends have such personal experience. Because most of the diarrhea is not serious, most people will cause diarrhea only because they catch cold or eat cold food. In fact, the real culprit is the integration of broccoli and amaranth.

    4. Amaranth cannot be eaten together with pure grain wine. Because both are warm in nature, eating it will aggravate the disease. So thousands of basin friends suffering from disease should not cook with amaranth and then have a pure grain wine.

    5. Amaranth cannot be taken with milk. Because it contains a lot of oxalic acid, it will produce calcium oxalate that is not easy to dissolve when eaten with milk, which will block the digestion and absorption of high-quality protein by the stomach and intestines.

    Suitable food materials

    1. Amaranth and soybean sprouts have the effect of warming the yang and moistening the intestines. 2. Amaranth plus fungi can moisten the intestines, dispel toxins and enhance immunity. 3. Amaranth with water, tofu and raw eggs can nourish the blood, beautify the face, strengthen the stomach, digestion and refresh the mind. 4. Amaranth and grass carp can moisten intestines and relieve diarrhea. 5. Amaranth and shrimp have the functions of tonifying the kidney, strengthening the yang, and locking essence. 6. Amaranth and beef liver can kill bacteria, promote digestion, and promote the digestion and absorption of nutrients. 7. Amaranth plus raw eggs, both of which have significant nourishing effect, and have great effect on patients with stomach disease and kidney disease.

    After reading the above detailed answers to the question about amaranth and what not to eat together, I firmly believe that all friends have already had some understanding and understanding. Amaranth can not be taken with beef, mutton, pure honey, broccoli and other ingredients, which is very easy to cause diarrhea or fire and other diseases. Therefore, we should remember to introduce the food that is opposite to amaranth in detail, so that we can eat more physically and mentally healthy.

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