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What is the practice of authentic plum dried vegetables and meat stuffing

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What is the practice of authentic plum dried vegetables and meat stuffing


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  • 2024-05-26 03:02:05

    The original raw material of dried musty vegetables is actually the medium vegetables we know well, which have been pickled. In terms of traditional Chinese medicine, it can not only clear dyspepsia, but also reasonably treat cough. Therefore, it is good for people to eat more often. If you are tired of eating ordinary fermented dried vegetables, you can try the meat stuffed buns made of fermented dried vegetables. It really doesn't have to be delicious! So, how to make dumpling stuffing with dried musty vegetables?


    The main material is dried vegetable with mould. The raw pork paste is appropriate


    1.50g winter melon shall be cooked in advance and reserved.

    How to make steamed stuffed buns with preserved vegetables

    2.80g of dried musty vegetables should be soaked in boiling water in advance until they swell and are reserved.

    How to make steamed stuffed buns with preserved vegetables

    3.3g yeast is dissolved in 50Ml warm boiling water and left for 5 minutes. Mix 200g wheat flour and 10g granulated sugar, pour yeast water and 50g winter melon into batter.

    4. Put it in a warm place to start mellowing. I put it in the fermentation stall of the oven and it can be done in an hour. The post hair mark is more than twice the size, and it is not easy for the paste to shrink or collapse significantly by pressing a pit with your finger.

    5. The interior is honeycombed.

    6. During the mellow period, make the dumpling stuffing with dried vegetables: take out the well cured pig meat and chop it. I have about 30g of it, and I happen to have some pig mince left at home, otherwise I will not add it

    7. Chop dried vegetables.

    8. Stir fry the minced pork in the pan.

    9. Add dried musty vegetables, 10Ml soy sauce, three teaspoons of sugar, and appropriate salt.

    10. Boil the dried musty vegetables according to their tender level. The dried musty vegetables I bought are a little old. I added a lot of water and boiled them for an hour

    11. Prepare 10g cassava starch in advance and melt it with tap water. When the fermented dried vegetable juice is about to become wet, pour in starch water to thicken it.

    12. When the dried vegetables become thick, turn off the fire and start the pot. The dumpling filling of dried vegetables will be fine. (My amount of meat foam can actually be ignored... I can't eat much meat.)

    13. The mellow batter is kneaded into the exhaust pipe again and divided into 40g small dosage forms.

    14. Roll each steamed stuffed bun skin into a thick round roll with thin sides in the middle, and then wrap the stuffing of fermented dried vegetable dumplings.

    15. Put the wrapped dumplings on the wok to wake up for 20 minutes

    16. Steam for 20 minutes, and then simmer for 5 minutes.

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