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Is rock candy high in calories

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Is rock candy high in calories


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  • 2024-05-26 12:00:00

    Old rock candy is a kind of sugar that we often eat. Rock candy has relatively high calories. It belongs to glycogen after all. If you eat too much, it may be converted into kinetic energy after entering the body to preserve it. At this moment, it is very easy to cause obesity. Therefore, you don't need to eat too much in daily life. In addition, you should pay attention to the way of eating old rock candy, Moderate consumption of some old rock candy is beneficial to the human body, such as promoting fluid and quenching thirst, relieving cough and moistening the lungs.

    Is rock candy high in calories

    The calorie of rock sugar is 397 calories/100g. The old rock sugar can produce fluid and quench thirst, reduce fire and phlegm, and provide kinetic energy. However, old rock sugar also contains sugar with kinetic energy. Eating too much will lead to excess kinetic energy capacity, resulting in accumulation of kinetic energy and weight gain.

    Efficacy and function of rock sugar

    The main component of old rock sugar is glucose containing crystal water. The old rock candy tastes sweet and warm, entering the lung and spleen meridians; It has the function of benefiting qi, harmonizing stomach, moistening lung and relieving cough; The old rock candy nourishes yin and generates fluid, stops coughing and moistens the lung, and has a very good auxiliary therapeutic effect on dry cough, dry cough without sputum, and expectoration with blood; It is used for cough caused by lung dryness, lung deficiency, cold fatigue, dengue fever in children, silent dysentery, oral ulcer, and wind fire toothache.

    1. Promoting fluid production and quenching thirst

    Nourish the throat to dry, make people fresh and comfortable.

    2. Moisten lung and stop cough

    Because it contains vitamin D, it can maintain the epithelial cells of the respiratory system, enhance the role of human immunoglobulin, and prevent respiratory system infection. Nourish yin and moisten the lung, remove the dryness and heat of the lung. Let people breathe freely and comfortably.

    3. Relieving cough and resolving phlegm

    Old rock candy is suitable for phlegm, thick phlegm, cough and other diseases. It has excellent moist and physiotherapy effects on the throat, which is beneficial to the recovery of some inflammation, and can eliminate some itching, thus blocking the cough reflex. It can dilute the airway inflammation and the viscosity of essential substances, making it easier to cough up, which is beneficial to relieving cough and resolving phlegm.

    4. Clearing heat, detoxifying and removing fire

    The old rock candy can purify the heart, dispel fire, clear away heat, detoxify and annoyance, and remove the heat poison in the blood.

    5. Detoxification

    The old rock candy can remove the endotoxin accumulated in the human body for a long time, and improve the physical and mental health. Promote the specificity of cellular immunity and remove harmful substances from the body.

    6. Removing fat and lowering blood pressure

    The old rock sugar can make blood pressure easier to control, expand capillaries, reduce blood viscosity, and improve microcirculation.

    PS: The old rock sugar is better than the white granulated sugar: the reason is that the old rock sugar is made of white sugar as raw material through melting filtration boiling crystallization, and its purity is high, while the white granulated sugar is immediately purified from sugarcane juice or purified with raw sugar. Moreover, taking rock sugar water for a long time can reduce fire and blood pressure reasonably, and show the body the required glucose composition.


    2024-05-26 12:00:00

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