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How to make potatoes and onions

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How to make potatoes and onions


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Potatoes are one of our old favorites. They are very easy to obtain. Although they are everywhere, they are really a delicious food that we cannot lack. Because we cannot lack potatoes in our daily life, once potatoes disappear, a large number of people will suffer from hunger, Potato onion is a relatively common potato practice. Let's discuss how to make potato onion.

    The onion and potato are a healthy dish. Contemporary research has found that potatoes contain rich and colorful carbohydrate compounds, rich and colorful potassium and more colorful vitamin C, phosphorus, a certain amount of protein, calcium, selenium, iron and a small amount of carotene, vitamin b2, etc. It has dietotherapy effect for poor appetite, peptic ulcer, habitual constipation, skin eczema, etc. In addition, with the effect of onion on reducing blood lipid and delaying aging, this dish is really a healthy food for both young and old people with good quality and cheap price.

    raw material

    Main materials: onion (white) 150g potato (yellow skin) 500g

    Auxiliary material: 35g lettuce, 5g vanilla

    Seasoning: 100g edible oil, 3g salt, 3g white pepper, 1g


    1. Peel off the thick scallions, clean them, and cut them into chips;

    2. Picking, cleaning, cutting and reserving the chips of the chardonnay and lettuce;

    3. Clean the potatoes with skin, put water into the pot, which is easy to boil, and then add a cover to boil the potatoes until they are tender (it is not necessary to cook them very well to prevent the potatoes from crumbling during frying);

    4. Cool the boiled potatoes, peel them and cut them into small pieces for future use;

    5. Put edible oil in the frying pan and boil it on the fire. First, put a thin layer of cooked potato blocks into the frying pan, and constantly rotate the frying pan to make the potato blocks rotate in the frying pan;

    6. When making one side orange, turn it over, then add chopped scallions, chopped lettuce, and chopped vanilla again, and sprinkle salt and white pepper;

    7. Then turn the potatoes over again. When both sides of the potatoes are orange, the onion gives out a fragrance, and you can shovel them into the plate with a shovel.

    Potato onion is a relatively popular potato cooking method. For ordinary people, the practice of potato onion is very simple. Therefore, we are familiar with the practice of potato onion. We can use some innovative ways to make potatoes to give full play to the taste of potatoes, That will continue to increase everyone's love for potatoes.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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