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Function of Shenghua Tang Pill

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Function of Shenghua Tang Pill


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  • 2024-05-25 17:01:48

    After a woman has given birth, her body is in a weak condition, and her body is very easy to produce blood accumulation and postpartum lochia. In this kind of situation, we need to carefully carry out recuperation. Many doctors recommend that pregnant women drink biochemical soup pills. This kind of nourishing soup will be drunk after childbirth, and it is usually very good. The efficacy of biochemical decoction pills has also become the most concerned thing. So, what is the effect of biochemical soup pills? Let's have a look below.

    What is biochemical soup

    Shenghua Decoction is a blood regulating agent with the function of supplementing qi, nourishing blood, removing stasis, relaxing channels and relieving pain. Main smelting blood yin deficiency internal heat coagulation, congestion obstruction syndrome. The puerpera have bad lochia and cold stomachache. Clinical medicine is commonly used to treat children with poor uterine repair, postpartum uterine contraction pain, placenta residue, etc., which belong to those with blood yin deficiency, internal heat coagulation, and internal resistance of blood stasis after birth.

    Shenghua Decoction is a traditional Chinese medicine prescription. "Biochemistry" means generating new blood and transforming old stasis. Biochemical soup originates from Fu Qing's Master of Female Medicine by Fu Shan, a famous scientist in the Qing Dynasty. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the accumulated blood is not gone and the new blood is not long. If pregnant women take Shenghua Decoction, it is beneficial to eliminate the accumulated blood in the body and promote postpartum repair. Biochemical soup is also called "pressing stomach meal" in the postnatal child meal, which means the first food to drink after production, so it has the reputation of "the first soup after giving birth".

    Biochemical soup is generally composed of five Chinese medicinal materials, namely Chuanxiong, Qianghuo, Taoren (heart removed), raw licorice and roasted ginger. Nowadays, more and more people take biochemical soup after giving birth. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that compared with motherwort soup, which many pregnant women like to drink, biochemical soup has a more comprehensive recuperation effect.

    Efficacy of Shenghua Soup

    Shenghua Decoction has the effects of improving the smooth muscle contraction, antithrombotic, anti anemia, anti infection and pain relief. Biochemical soup can cure the cold caused by qi and blood deficiency after giving birth, abdominal pain caused by obstructed uterus, lochia of puerpera can not be discharged, cold pain in the small stomach, etc. In addition, adjusting the ingredients of biochemical soup to make medicine can also have a good effect on the following diseases after giving birth:

    1. Placenta residue after giving birth

    Use Shenghua Decoction to remove licorice, and add motherwort granules, prepared ground, cortex moutan, safflower, and wormwood leaves, which can cure the residual placenta of a baby after birth, that is, discharge the residual embryos, and remove bleeding and abdominal pain.

    2. Continuous bleeding after artificial service abortion

    For patients with more than one vaginal bleeding after induced abortion, a variety of durable hemostatic drugs and uterine contraction drugs failed. Later, it was changed into biochemical soup to remove roasted herbs, add purple salvia miltiorrhiza, motherwort granules, achyranthes bidentata, and decoct them in water. One dose a day, and one to three doses of medicine, vaginal bleeding will end.

    Biochemical soup

    1. Soak the wine ten times the net weight of the recipe for 1 hour, and then boil it in the fire, cover it with a gentle fire and boil it for 30 minutes, and then filter the juice.

    2. After the first cooking, the Chinese medicinal materials are boiled with 5 times the amount of wine, and then boiled gently.

    3. Mix the medicinal juice from the first and second boiling, cook it gently without covering until the medicinal juice is extracted to 300ml, and put it into a boiling bottle for reservation.

    Pregnant women should drink 20~30Ml of soup for the first time after delivery, gradually and continuously for 7 days. Pregnant women with planed abdomen need to take it after the exhaust pipe for 12 days. All the medicine juice needs to be drunk 3 hours before going to bed.


    2024-05-25 17:01:48

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