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How many calories is a peach?

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How many calories is a peach?


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  • 2024-05-25 17:01:48

    Every year in summer, most peaches will mature. People will eat many peaches in summer. Peaches taste delicious and have rich nutrients. For example, peaches contain protein and carbohydrate compounds, as well as dietary fiber and carotene. Therefore, eating peaches has many benefits, But some people worry that honey peaches will gain weight after eating, so does it contain high fever?

    How much is the heat of a peach?

    Peach is low in calories. It is used as a food material in the stage of weight loss and slimming. The actual effect is also very good. Peaches contain rich and colorful gum arabic and moderate chemical fiber, which can not only enhance the sense of satiety, but also promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, accelerate basic metabolism, and is beneficial to the dissolution of food ingredients. In addition, peaches contain more citric acid and methyl cellulose, which can also improve gastrointestinal peristalsis and facilitate digestion and absorption.

    One peach (172.0g of edible part) has 83 calories of calorific value, which needs 57.2 minutes of walking. Juicy peach is a kind of fresh fruit with low calorific value, and its iron content is higher among fresh fruits, which is suitable for taking during the weight loss period.

    1. Juicy peach is a low fat fresh fruit. For every 100 grams of peach meat, there are 40-50 calories, which is the general calorie;

    2. Other ingredients: for every 100 grams of peach meat, 8-10 grams of carbon water compounds (glycogen), about 1 gram of protein, and 0.25 grams of human fat.

    3. In addition, it also contains vitamin C6.6mg, vitamin D16 and calcium 6mg;

    4. Peach is especially suitable for hunger, and does not cause unnecessary heat.

    Honey peach has high copper content

    As the saying goes, "honey peaches die by raising apricots". Is this scientific research from the perspective of nutritional immunology?

    According to nutrition immunologist, honey peach contains a variety of nutrients, minerals and salicylic acid, and its copper content ranks first among fresh fruits. Iron is the key raw material for the body's hematopoietic function, which is very beneficial to physical and mental health. Juicy peach has a key influence in many woody plants.

    Juicy peach and Poria cocos have calming effect, with various nutrients and salicylic acid, calcium, phosphorus and other carbonates. Its iron content is 4-6 times that of apples and pears. Peach has the effect of nourishing blood, yin and fluid. Peach has a high copper content, which is an ideal auxiliary food for patients with iron deficiency anemia.

    honey peach:

    The country of origin of honey peach is Yunnan Guizhou Plateau. It has been planted for more than 3000 years in the central region. At present, there are at least ten species, and the well-known species are Shenzhou peach in Hebei Province, Yulu peach in Fenghua, Zhejiang Province, Feicheng peach in Shandong Province, "April white" in Hubei Province, "May red" in Zhisu, "August longevity" in Nanjing, "September honey" in Shanxi Province, "October honey" in Shaanxi Province, and winter peach, nectarine and snow peach in Zaoyang, Hubei Province.

    Most people think that honey peaches do not have very nutritious ingredients, but they don't know that the ideal realm without controversy or disease is called the Xanadu Garden. In ancient times, we Chinese people thought that honey peaches had the practical effect of prolonging life, and regarded them as elixirs. Now, honey peaches are also used as a prescription.

    In addition, because of the storage method of peach, there are also changes in taste. If you like to eat refreshing peaches, you should pay attention to the method of storage.


    2024-05-25 17:01:48

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