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Will eating pumpkin make you fat

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Will eating pumpkin make you fat


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  • 2024-05-26 12:00:16

    Many people in the countryside grow winter melon by themselves, and many people like to eat pumpkin very much. Because winter melon tastes sweet and cotton, it is cooked with potatoes, which is really a food match, healthy and delicious. In addition, the seeds of winter melon can also be made into fried melon seeds, which are more delicious than sunflower seeds. Winter melon contains more sugar, So will people who often eat pumpkins get fat?

    Not easy

    Wax gourd, also known as Japanese gourd and rice gourd, has been widely planted and taken in China for a long time, so it is called "Chinese pumpkin". In China, winter melon serves as both food and grain, and is very popular in the countryside. In recent years, people have found that winter melon can not only eat, but also have some value in dietotherapy. Therefore, it is enough to reach the peak of life.

    White gourd contains rich and colorful nutritional elements cobalt and arabic gum. The content of cobalt is high, which cannot be compared with other vegetables and fruits. It is an essential nutrient element for islet cells to produce insulin glargine. Eating pumpkin regularly is conducive to preventing diabetes. Gum arabic can slow down the digestion and absorption of sugar and fat by the intestines and stomach.

    It is also reported that the "wax gourd fever" is now popular in Japan. It is not only suitable for young people who are unwilling to be obese, but also called "the best beauty and skin care food" by many women. The reason is that the vitamin D content of winter melon is better than that of fruits and vegetables.

    Eating pumpkin can prevent hypertension and some diseases of liver and kidney function.

    Everyone can eat. Fat people and middle-aged and old people are especially suitable.

    People with diabetes can make white gourd into pumpkin powder, which is convenient for taking in small quantities for a long time. People suffering from beriberi and jaundice should eat less.


    2024-05-26 12:00:16

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