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What happens when you eat too many bananas

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What happens when you eat too many bananas


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Banana is a kind of fruit, and it is the favorite of many people. Banana has many functions, one of which is well known, that is, it can promote digestion to a certain extent. But what will happen if you eat more bananas? First of all, it will cause people to have diarrhea. In addition, what are the side effects? Next, let's take a look at the problems in this area, and what are the problems we should pay attention to?

    Bananas are fragrant, glutinous and delicious fruits, so some people (those suffering from acute and chronic nephritis and renal insufficiency) eat bananas in large quantities at one time. Bananas contain more magnesium, potassium and other elements. Although these mineral elements are necessary for human health, if they are ingested too much in a short time, they will cause a sharp increase in the content of magnesium and potassium in the blood, resulting in imbalance in the proportion of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and other elements in the body, which is harmful to health. In addition, eating more bananas will also cause gastrointestinal dysfunction and excessive mood fluctuations due to the greatly reduced gastric acid secretion.

    In fact, bananas do not contain any essential nutrients. On the contrary, in addition to potassium in minerals, the content of other nutrients in bananas can only be said to be "ordinary", not outstanding. However, compared with other fruits, bananas have a particularly high content of sugar and starch (about 20%), so in some regions (such as some Southeast Asian and African tribes) bananas are used as staple food rather than fruits. Because bananas are soft, easy to chew, fragrant and sweet, and easy to digest, they are suitable for people with poor appetite to supplement calories, and also suitable for children to eat as snacks.

    Bananas are considered as a kind of food for defecation. This is because the amount of water-soluble fiber (especially pectin) in bananas, together with sufficient vegetables and water intake, can increase the volume of feces and stimulate defecation. The effect is very good. When it comes to pectin, it actually gives people a lot of imagination. In addition to making the banana taste smooth, this water-soluble fiber is also considered to be able to regulate the flora ecology of the gastrointestinal tract, help the growth of beneficial bacteria and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, and have the effect of intestinal integrity and even internal environmental protection. However, some people also classify bananas as food that is easy to cause qi, which is also related to pectin. For some people, pectin can also stimulate the reproduction of aerogenic bacteria in the intestinal tract, producing gas and causing flatulence.

    Bananas are rich in potassium, so they are also considered to help stabilize blood pressure. The water-soluble fiber contained in it also indirectly has the function of reducing blood cholesterol. However, don't eat bananas to reduce cholesterol. Bananas contain a lot of sugar and starch. Eating too much will stimulate the rise of another blood fat called triglyceride. In addition, its heat is not low. A banana has about 120 calories and nearly half a bowl of rice. If you eat too much, the extra calories will become fat on your body if you don't reduce your appetite.

    The question of what happens when you eat too much bananas has been answered in detail. If you like bananas very much, you need to have a deep look. Of course, in daily life, when you have indigestion, you can also eat bananas. If indigestion lasts for a long time, you need to go to a regular hospital for examination.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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