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Efficacy and function of rat meat

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Efficacy and function of rat meat


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    In fact, some people will take the mouse meat. The mouse here refers to a variety of rodents, such as house mice, bamboo mice, bamboo mice, etc., but these rodents generally contain bacteria, and they may not be able to solve the problem after being processed under high temperature, so they will also have a threat to the physical and mental health of the body, so they are not generally recommended to take it, It's very like a house mouse.

    Function and efficacy of rat meat

    1. Rat meat can invigorate kidney and strengthen yang

    Tonifying the kidney and strengthening the yang is one of the key functions of mouse meat. It not only contains a lot of protein, but also has a variety of minerals and vitamins. It can immediately enter the spleen meridian, improve kidney function, and improve the driving force of the kidney. It has a very good effect on preventing and reducing lightness skills of men with kidney deficiency and frequent and urgent urination.

    2. Rat Meat Delays Aging

    Mouse meat is a kind of meat food with high protein and low calorie. It also contains a variety of carbohydrates essential to the body, which can promote the metabolism of the body and improve the body function. The nutrient element selenium in mouse meat is also very high. This kind of nutrient element is not only a pure natural antioxidant, but also has a strong anti-cancer body detoxification effect, After being digested and absorbed by the body, it can prevent aging, improve the sperm activity of the young man, and prevent a variety of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

    What harm can eating rat meat do

    The authoritative experts said that both mice and rats are ugly animals with the largest number of pathogens recognized by human beings. A variety of pathogens not only exist in the saliva, internal organs and excreta of mice, but also exist in the fur and blood of mice. The pathogens on mice have the characteristics of rapid infection and great damage, It may not be eliminated. Mice may be cleaner than domestic rats in garbage pools and sewers in urban and rural areas, but they are still rodents with many bacteria. If we take rat catching and selling as our practitioners to make money, and kill domestic rats as rats and give them to customers, customers can hardly tell the true from the false. If rats eat such harmful substances as diffuse rodenticide and heavy metal exceeding the standard into the body, and people happen to take the meat of such rats, chronic poisons and heavy metal exceeding the standard and other harmful substances will enter the body, causing people to be poisoned. In the whole process of slaughtering rats, the chefs of rat meat restaurants are more likely to be infected with more serious diseases if they have deep contact with the fur, excreta, internal organs, blood, etc. of rats. Therefore, from the perspective of disease prevention, we do not advocate eating mice.

    Efficacy and function of rat meat

    Rat meat can also be used as medicine. It is non-toxic to damp and heat. It can enter the spleen channel and the liver gallbladder channel. It has a variety of functions such as nourishing yin, nourishing blood, removing toxins and treating ulcers. Mountain mouse meat can also activate blood and quickly reduce swelling. Usually, it is used to treat a variety of common diseases such as human injuries, chilblains, wounds and bleeding. Most of the treatments are for external use. It can be dried and immediately used for external use, The curative effect is very significant.

    Can I eat mouse meat

    The mouse meat can be eaten, but the mouse itself carries viruses and pathogens, and it is possible to get plague after eating anything that the mouse has bitten. You should eat the mouse immediately, and the probability of getting sick is still very high. If you want to eat it, you should also remember that the mice that can eat are generally grown up by eating grain, with relatively clean meat and rich and colorful protein, but the mice in big cities, It is accompanied by waste all day long, and you will get sick after eating, so friends don't need to taste it.

    In fact, in daily life, besides mouse meat, there are also many small animal meat that many people are not easy to take, such as snake and mutton. Many people are very afraid of each animal, so their meat will not be taken. So what kind of small animal meat do you want to eat that many people have never taken?

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