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Homely stewing of donkey bones

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Homely stewing of donkey bones


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  • 2024-05-26 10:01:55

    Many people like to eat donkey meat. The donkey meat is not only delicious, but also the donkey bone is very delicious. It has a high nutritional content. Often eaten, it can nourish the kidney and essence, and can also moisten the lungs. However, the donkey bone is not easy to boil down in general. If you want to stew the donkey bone, you can use a pressure cooker. Next, we will teach you how to stew the donkey bone in your life, and you can follow it.

    1、 Materials for stewing donkey bones in life

    Main material: pork ribs 750g

    Auxiliary material soy sauce 6 spoons rice wine 3 spoons white sugar 35 grams salt 3 spoons scallion 1 section ginger 1 piece star anise 5 grams ginger 8 pieces star anise 5 pieces dried chili 4 pieces vinegar 1 tablespoon

    2、 How to stew donkey chops in life

    1. Special tools for using knives include scoops, vegetable shovels, fruit knives, kitchen knives, rice spoons, and spoons

    2. Soak pork chops in cold water for 15 minutes and weigh other auxiliary materials

    3. Pork ribs blanch water to remove blood and white foam

    4. Pick up and reserve

    5. Stir fry sugar gently with oil in the pot

    6. Yellowing sugar, opening and dropping, pouring pork ribs and soy sauce, stir frying and coloring

    7. Turn the fire to collect the juice and stir fry again

    8. The fried pork chops have been colored and poured into the electric pressure cooker

    9. Add salt, rice wine, star anise, ginger and garlic, and pour 2/3 of the raw pork chops into cold water

    10. Choose pork chops as the food and cook them in a stew

    11. Meat is rotten and delicious

    3、 Cooking method

    1. The role of vinegar is to make the meat more tender, and is conducive to the dissolution of calcium in bone hyperplasia;

    2. White sugar can be replaced with old rock sugar, which is more white, red and crystal clear.

    4、 Nutritional composition of donkey bones

    The donkey bone, warm in nature and sweet in taste, enters the spleen, liver and spleen meridians. It is the skeleton of the small animal donkey of equine family. It has the function of tonifying qi and blood, strengthening muscles and bones. It is mainly used to quench thirst, treat rheumatism on calendar days, and treat children's cranium. The donkey bone contains rich and colorful calcium and phosphorus, which is an excellent product for calcium and zinc supplementation and improving the normal value of bone density, and is beneficial to the growth and development of young children's bones. Donkey bone soup can also cure diabetes patients for many years, improve the working ability of basic metabolism, and prevent aging. Collagen powder in Lv Da Gu Tang can also improve the working ability of human hematopoietic cells.


    2024-05-26 10:01:55

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