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A Complete List of Simple Methods of Corn Flour

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A Complete List of Simple Methods of Corn Flour


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Corn flour is a kind of wheat flour made from corn as the key raw material after production and processing. It is a kind of food that everyone loves for ten minutes. It can be used to make cornmeal porridge, corn flour desserts and corn cakes. This kind of food not only tastes sweet and delicious, but also has many benefits for the body. For example, it is good for urination, kidney protection, spleen and stomach conditioning. What simple way can corn flour do? Here is a summary of simple methods of corn flour.

    1、 Corn meal porridge

    raw material

    Main materials: 50g rod surface (yellow), 50g stem meter


    1. Mix corn flour with proper cold water to reserve.

    2. Put the cleaned stem rice into the pot, put proper water, bake it with high heat, add corn flour, and then boil it into porridge with low heat.


    Health tips:

    1. Reduce blood fat and blood pressure.

    2. It is applicable to arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, hyperlipidemia, etc.

    Food restriction:

    Bangzi Noodles (yellow): Do not eat rice with stone snails, or they will be poisoned; Try to avoid eating with oysters, otherwise it will block the digestion and absorption of zinc.

    2、 Delicious corn flour dessert

    raw material

    100g sticky rice flour, 100g corn flour, 20g red bean stuffing, and proper warm water


    1. Knead the batter into a ball shape by hand, and pave the small batter into a ring shape; Put red bean paste into the ring and wrap the ring batter;

    2. Put the wrapped batter into the prepared grinding tool and pave it gently; (Remember to put dry sticky rice flour into the grinding tool, so that the formed batter can be easily removed)

    3. Pour 1/3 of the oil into the pot to heat it up. (Note that the water temperature here must be well controlled to make the batter yellow gradually.) When the batter turns yellow on one side, it needs to be turned over immediately to prevent my appearance. Use a Buchner funnel spoon to control the batter to dry, and then put it into a bowl.

    Corn flour cereal

    raw material

    Main material: 100g bar surface (yellow).

    Auxiliary material: 50g oatmeal powder


    1. Clean the porridge, soak it in cold water for 2 hours, take out the controlled dry water, put it into the pot, add proper amount, and boil until the millet is in full bloom.

    2. Mix the corn flour evenly with cold water, slowly pour the thin corn paste into the cereal, and continue to stir with a spoon.

    3. After the corn paste is boiled, change it to simmer for 15 minutes, and then you can take it.


    Food restriction:

    Bangzi Noodles (yellow): Do not eat rice with stone snails, or they will be poisoned; Try to avoid eating with oysters, otherwise it will block the digestion and absorption of zinc.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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