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Is the level charger universal

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Is the level charger universal


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  • 2023-11-14 19:00:14

    The charger of the level gauge is not universal. The battery of the infrared level gauge cannot be charged with the mobile phone charger. The infrared level is usually equipped with four 5 # ordinary batteries, whose voltage is 6v. When the power is less than 30%, the four batteries should be replaced. Ordinary batteries cannot be charged and reused. Only rechargeable batteries can be charged. The choice of charger for charging the battery depends on the voltage of the battery. The charger should be 1.12 times higher than the voltage of the charged battery. The output voltage of the mobile phone charger is 5v, while the internal battery of the mobile phone is 3.7v.

    Is the level charger universal


    The power adapter and the power charger are obviously not universal, because their functions are completely different, and the power adapter is used to replace the power supply.

    If 1.5A equipment uses 2A charger and there is no current limiting protection inside the equipment, overload burning may occur

    If the current is limited, it can be used normally without any impact.


    2023-11-14 19:00:14

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