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Homely practice of vegetarian Mapo Tofu

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Homely practice of vegetarian Mapo Tofu


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  • 2024-05-25 23:01:46

    Many people like to eat Kung Pao Chicken. In fact, Kung Pao Chicken can be made into meat or vegetarian, and those who want to eat meat can add some small meat. But we usually eat Kung Pao Chicken all vegetarian, and most Kung Pao Chicken tastes spicy. The soup of Kung Pao Chicken looks very sticky, and white rice is a good choice, How can I make Kung Pao Chicken without meat?

    Method 1

    The first step is to cut a small piece of water tofu and soak it in salt water

    Step 2: Fill the meat Dade dumplings with a multi-functional cooking machine

    Step 3: mince the scallions, cut ginger into strips, slice the garlic, and prepare some Pixian bean paste and chilli oil in advance

    Step 4: Boil the oil and stir fry the onion and garlic until they are fragrant. After that, put the dumpling filling and stir fry them evenly, and then put Pixian bean paste and oil pepper into them

    Step 5 Put proper water into the pan fried case, and then put water into the bean curd to stew

    Step 6 When the water tofu is tasty, add starch to thicken the sauce, and then start the pot and set the plate

    Method 2

    1. All kinds of sauces are reserved after hot pot side dishes are cut. Slice water tofu.

    2. Add some oil in the pot. I have vegetable oil, which was boiled a few days ago. Animal oil can be used instead of vegetable oil. Bring the oil to a boil, add cumin powder, dried chilli, pepper, and stir fry until fragrant.

    3. Add mashed garlic, Zhitian pepper and onion root, stir fry them for fragrance, add Pixian douban sauce, spicy douban sauce, add rice wine, process, water and boil them. Put only half of the garlic puree, and reserve half of the garlic puree. Put only the root of the green onion, and reserve the leaves of the green onion.

    4. Bring to a boil and put water into tofu. The water should be level with tofu. Bring the fire to a boil again, and turn to Chinese fire for stewing. If the feed juice is similar, open the fire and add water. Quickly mix and stir fry the sugar.

    5. The hot Kung Pao chicken is boiling

    Method 3

    1. Buy water tofu and cut it into small triangles. Add water and put proper salt in the pot and boil it. Do not buy tofu when making Kung Pao Chicken. Do not buy water tofu made with marinade. It tastes big and is not delicious

    2. Prepare condiments in advance, ginger, garlic, bean paste chopped, scallions (green garlic seedlings) minced, chili and pepper noodles prepared

    3. Stir fry ginger, garlic and Pixian bean paste in hot pot with cold oil

    4. Stir in chili oil. Add a small amount of chili flour and stir again until the oil is bright

    5. Add boiling water, add big bone soup to big bone soup, then put water tofu into the pot, add a small amount of white granulated sugar, this dish needs no more salt, be careful not to stir fry with a spoon, it is very easy to break water tofu, let the spoon gently push forward, shake the frying pan, boil it for more than 10 minutes in the fire, let the tofu taste evenly, add water bean powder and water starch to thicken the sauce, and then it can be out of the pot

    6. After placing the plate, sprinkle with pepper, chives or green garlic seedlings, and a plate of spicy, hot, fresh, fragrant, hot, tender and transparent meat free Kung Pao chicken will be fine! Don't eat spicy old people and children can't put chili and pepper noodles


    2024-05-25 23:01:46

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