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Price of silver coins of Pu'er tea

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Price of silver coins of Pu'er tea


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Silver coins tea is actually a kind of high-quality Pu'er tea cooked tea. It is called silver coins because of its exquisite appearance and delicate appearance. In ancient times, tea companies bought and sold on the route of the Ancient Tea Horse Road, which can be liquidated with silver coins. Silver coins are used as silver. Later, silver coins had other names, such as "Tea Fossil" and "Gold doesn't change". Then, how much is a gram of silver tea?

    The production of silver coins in the sales market is relatively low. And for every 1Kg of silver coins produced, 400Kg of Pu'er cooked tea will be consumed. Therefore, it also determines that the price of the real silver coins of Pu'er tea in the sales market must be high.

    There is no established price for silver tangerine in the sales market, and there will be some differences between tea leaves of different levels. Generally, the price of silver chips and small green tangerines is about 100-300 yuan or 100 grams.

    The price of one hundred grams of premium silver coins and small green oranges varies from 600 to 1000! Overall, the price is relatively high. The silver coins Pu'er tea sold on the sales market also has a relatively cost-effective tea leaf, but this kind of low price silver coins Pu'er tea is not really effective, and is likely to be fake silver coins Pu'er tea.

    The price of Minced Silver Little Green Citrus in the sales market is high because Minced Silver Pu'er Tea costs much more than Pu'er cooked tea in the production process. This is also a relatively normal situation.

    Note: The above price data of Silver Coin Tea is about the price on the Internet, which is not necessarily accurate, and is only for your reference. The price of silver coins tea will be influenced by many factors, so we should consult the shopkeeper immediately for the actual and accurate price, and take the shopkeeper's price as the standard.

    Detailed Introduction to the Basic Situation of Minyin Tea

    Silver tea, also known as tea fossil, is a high-quality Pu'er tea. Because of its exquisite appearance, it looks like silver coins, so it is called silver coins tea. Silver tea is a perfect combination of traditional handicrafts and contemporary processing techniques.

    Chunyinzi tea is made of high-quality old tree and tea head that has been used for more than 8 years. It has gone through unique laser cutting processing technology and has been selected repeatedly. Although it is actually one of the old tea heads, it is a refined management product of the old tea head. It can be said that its original name is Old Tea Head. But it is "bluer than blue".

    Characteristics of silver coins: fragrant, thick and soft. It is the top grade of Pu erh tea. In addition, silver tea is soft and good for the stomach. Drinking it persistently for a long time can strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach. The key functions are: reducing blood fat, losing weight, strengthening stomach, eliminating food, strengthening spleen and stomach, reducing three highs, preventing coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Silver tea is especially suitable for middle-aged and elderly people, especially those with deficiency of qi and blood and cold stomach.

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