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How to make frozen croaker delicious?

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How to make frozen croaker delicious?


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Large yellow croaker is a kind of fresh water fish food with relatively nutritious ingredients and delicate meat quality. Although its volume is not as large as that of crucian carp, grouper and pike, it is still very good for the body after eating large yellow croaker, and its price is not very high. In some cases, if you choose to buy large yellow croaker, you will buy a lot, but if you can't eat it at one time, you have to put it in the refrigerator for refrigeration. So, how to make frozen large yellow croaker delicious?


    First, unfreeze the small yellow croaker and clean it up.

    Prepare seasonings in advance: onion, ginger, garlic, pepper, Pyi County Douban movie, soy sauce, salt, sugar, white pepper.

    Clean and wipe the small yellow croaker with water, marinate it with shallots, ginger slices and a small amount of pure grain wine. The seasoning is ready.

    Pickle the pickled fish, remove the ginger and garlic, and wipe again. Put it in the pan and fry until golden on both sides.

    Remove the fried fish, leave a small amount of oil in the pot, and saute the onion, garlic, pepper and dried pepper (you can save if you don't like spicy)

    After the aroma is released, put in the appropriate Pye County bean paste film, stir fry it into chili oil, then add proper amount of water, and put in the freshly fried fish.

    Pour in some soy sauce, some sugar, some white pepper, and some salt. Gently shake the pot to allow the seasonings to dissolve and mix.

    The Chinese fire gradually stews, allowing the fish to fully digest and absorb the sauce. When the water is 70% dry, turn to the fire to collect the juice.

    You can start cooking like this~~~Sprinkle with scallions, it's really delicious

    Fresh bamboo shoots, roasted, fried, air roasted, spicy, Tangku

    Braised Small Yellow Croaker with Fresh Bamboo Shoots

    raw material:

    Small yellow croaker, fresh bamboo shoots, ginger slices, scallions, dried peppers, garlic cloves, soy sauce, white granulated sugar, chicken essence, edible oil, Shaoxing wine.

    Prepared by:

    1. Scales of small yellow croaker are removed, gills and internal organs are cleaned, and cut on both sides. Clean the fresh bamboo shoots and cut them into 1cm segments.

    2. The frying pan is easy to be heated. Add edible oil and heat it to 80%. Add small yellow croaker and fry it until it is light orange yellow. Drain it.

    3. Put cooking oil in the pot and bring it to a boil. Put in dry peppers, ginger slices, scallions and garlic cloves and stir fry them slightly. Then put the fresh bamboo shoots into the frying pan, put the small yellow croaker into the frying pan, add soy sauce, white granulated sugar, chicken essence and Shaoxing wine, boil them in proper cold water, and simmer them in a gentle fire for 10 minutes. Then use the fire to collect the thick brine, pour the cooking oil, and put them out of the pan.

    Roasted small yellow croaker

    Clean the small yellow croaker, cut a few knives on the fish, and mix it with the barbecue dip (if there is no substitute for a small amount of soy sauce and sugar, you can still leave it if you hate sweetness), rice wine, a small amount of salt, onion and garlic powder (there are those delicious small cans in the mall). If there is no substitute for onion and garlic, marinate it for 30-60 minutes.

    After the small oven reaches 180 degrees, arrange the small yellow croakers, brush them with pickle, bake them up and down at 180 degrees for 10 minutes, take them off, turn them over, brush the juice again, and bake them for 10 minutes.

    You can also sprinkle onion and garlic powder on the fish before roasting.

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