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The effect of drinking tomato juice every day

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The effect of drinking tomato juice every day


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Tomato is a fresh fruit, which can also be taken as a vegetable and fruit naturally. Tomatoes are rich in nutrients, as well as various vitamins, and can supplement various nutrients in the body. There are many ways to make tomatoes, for example, they can be made into delicious dishes. Fried tomatoes with raw eggs is a kind of home style stir fry. Generally, they will be warmly welcomed by everyone. Tomatoes can also be squeezed naturally. What's the role of drinking tomato juice every day?

    1. The benefits of drinking tomato juice every day: preventing freckles

    Eating tomatoes often or drinking a cup of tomato juice every day has a good effect on preventing freckles. Tomatoes contain rich and colorful carotene, B vitamins and vitamin C, which can reasonably reduce the production of pigments. Tomatoes also contain lycopene, which has antioxidant capacity, improves the immune function of the body, and has the effect of delaying aging and nourishing the skin. Tomatoes can be eaten raw or cooked. However, because the vitamin C contained in it is rich and colorful, heating will suffer a certain level of destruction, and the lycopene can be released as soon as possible after heating, so it can also be eaten raw.

    Or mash the fresh carrots and squeeze the juice. One cup a day can also remove the spots. Carrots contain rich and colorful carotene, which can reduce cholesterol, slow down the decline of the body, and maintain the physical and mental health of epithelial tissue. It also contains rich and colorful provitamin D. Provitamin D can be converted into vitamin D in the body. Vitamin D has the function of smoothing and strengthening skin, and can prevent skin from being unsmooth and freckles.

    2. Benefits of Daily Drinking Tomato Juice: Vitamin Supplement

    Tomato juice also has the function of beautifying the face, improving appetite, improving the digestion and absorption of protein, and reducing stomach swelling; Its characteristics are close to that between fresh fruits and vegetables and fruits, with rich and colorful vitamin A and C. Because of the maintenance of citric acid, vitamin C in tomatoes can not be destroyed during cooking.

    3. The Benefits of Daily Drinking Tomato Juice: Cancer Prevention

    Tomato juice also contains a substance called lipoic acid, which can prevent cancer and delay aging. Research has found that tomato juice has practical effects on preventing some kinds of cancer, inhibiting breast cancer, lung cancer, endometrial cancer, and also can resist lung cancer and colon cancer.

    How to choose tomatoes

    Touch: Tomatoes are soft but not hard when they are ripe. If you feel that there is a significantly hard core in the tomato, you'd better not buy it.

    Look: Perfect tomatoes are all red, and light yellow varieties are apricot yellow. If the tone is uneven, it is better not to choose; Of course, the tomato with "crooked melon and split dates" may be sweeter, but if there is a prominent bulge on the body, you can not choose it. In addition, in the same species, if some of them have significant spikes, it means that the characteristics of this species do not mean that they may be caused by too much use of growth hormone.

    Storage: It is better not to take tomatoes in a hurry when they are bought home soon. Because tomatoes have a whole process of "ripening", and the "butadiene", a ripening red promoting substance rubbed on the surface, can evaporate again when ripening. When taking it, you can wash it with cold water. If you really have a "psychological barrier" to butadiene, you can scald it with hot water, tear off the skin and eat it again.

    Legumes, vegetables, fruits and vegetables are relatively less diseased than leafy vegetables and fruits, especially tomatoes, which use relatively less chemical fertilizer, so ordinary people can "eat at ease".


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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