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What are the methods of wonton banana roll?

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What are the methods of wonton banana roll?


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  • 2024-05-26 09:01:47

    Wonton banana roll is a regional specialty snack, which is made of Wonton skin and banana apple. It has rich and colorful taste and delicious nutrition. Because the addition of banana apple not only tastes good, but also can supplement human vitamins, which is good for human physical and mental health. Wonton banana roll is easy to make, It can also be made at home, and the processing technology is simple.

    How to make wonton banana rolls

    raw material

    12 wonton skins, 1 banana apple, 1 teaspoon wheat flour, 2 teaspoons water, 2 teaspoons seasoning salad sauce, 0.5 teaspoon tomato sauce



    1. Peel the banana apple, cut it in half first, and then cut 6 pieces of cross section in the first section, a total of 12 pieces are reserved. Mix wheat flour with water to form flour paste.

    2. Take a piece of wonton skin and scrape it flat. Place the banana and apple segments on the straight line. After rolling, apply the paste on the top to fix the seal. Apply a small amount of paste on both sides, clamp the joints and reserve them. Mix the condiments evenly and reserve them.

    3. Put the wonton banana roll in the small oven to 180-200 ℃, bake it for about 15 minutes, take it off, put it on the plate, and take it with seasonings.

    Banana nutrition and diet therapy


    Banana apple is one of the favorite fresh fruits. Westerners call it "happy fruit" because it can eliminate depression. Moreover, banana apple is also a favorite fruit for girls to lose weight and lose weight. Banana apple is also called "the fruit of wisdom". Banana has high nutrition, low calorific value, phosphorus called "the salt of wisdom", rich and colorful protein, sugar, potassium, vitamin D and C, and more dietary fiber, making it a very good nutritional food.

    The carbohydrate composition of mature banana fruit reached 22%, mainly sugar; It contains rich and colorful potassium and vitamin D, C, and low protein and fat rates. The moisture content is 75%.


    1. Sweet in taste and cool in nature. It can nourish yin, moisten dryness, generate fluid and quench thirst.

    2. Contains glucose, glucose, protein, human fat, carotene, vitamin b21, B2, C, E, vitamin b3, gum arabic, calcium, phosphorus, iron, 5-5-hydroxytryptamine, noradrenocortical hormone, dimethylphenylethylamine and other ingredients.

    3. The 5-5-hydroxytryptamine contained may reduce gastric juice, while the banana apple can alleviate the irritation to gastric mucosa, so it has a certain maintenance effect on gastric ulcer. In addition, diabetes has no increase in urine sugar after eating bananas and apples.

    4. It can be used for stomach yin deficiency, throat dryness and mouth dryness, or body fluid injury caused by heat, and thirst without appetite; Intestinal dryness and constipation, dry and hard stool, or hemorrhoids and bloody stool.

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