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Whether the citrus is on fire or on fire

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Whether the citrus is on fire or on fire


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Many basin friends will confuse citrus with orange, feeling that it is the same kind of fresh fruit, in fact, it is two kinds of fresh fruit. Today, let's briefly introduce the citrus, which has the effect of promoting fluid and quenching thirst. So, is it easy to burn or burn? The citrus is a kind of cold fresh fruit. For those who have trouble urinating and are thirsty, it is a good product for nourishing diet therapy. Eating more citrus is easy to get angry, so it is not recommended to eat more. Eating more citrus is very easy to damage the intestines and stomach. In addition, be careful not to take the medicine separately.

    Identify whether the food is hot or cold

    1 Tone

    The green plants are close to the road surface to digest and absorb the moisture in the road surface, so they are cold, such as mung beans, fruits and vegetables. Green plants with reddish hue, such as morning pepper, pepper, jujube, pomegranate, etc., grow close to the road, but their fruits are exposed to the sun for a long time, so they are hot.

    2 Weier

    The sweet and spicy food is hot because it receives more sunlight, such as garlic, persimmon cake, pomegranate, etc. Most of these slightly bitter and bitter foods are cold, such as eggplant, bitter hemp, etc.

    3 Natural environment for growth and development

    Aquatic flowers are cold, such as lotus root, kelp silk, seaweed, etc. Some food materials grown on land, such as peanut kernels, potatoes, yams, ginger, etc., are hot because they are buried in the soil layer for a long time, and green plants are resistant to dryness and contain less water.

    4 Location of growth and development

    The moisture digested and absorbed by the ingredients facing north on the shady side is too heavy, and the sun is rarely seen, so the sex is cold, such as fungi, black fungus, etc. Some food materials that grow and develop in high altitude, or food materials in the southeast, such as sunflowers, chestnuts, etc., are hot because they are rich in solar thermal power generation.

    5 Growth season

    The food materials that grow and develop in winter, such as cabbage, mushroom, radish, and watermelon, are cold because of the heavy cold. The food growing and developing in summer receives more rainfall, so it is cold, such as melon, loofah, pear, red heart pomelo, etc.

    Taboo on eating citrus

    In autumn and winter, many citrus are sold. Fresh citrus pulp contains rich and colorful vitamin C. Vitamin C can improve the immune capacity of the body. In addition, citrus can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes. Although the citrus is delicious, it should not exceed 3 every day. The vitamin C needed by each person is enough if you eat 3 citrus fruits. If you eat too much, it will be harmful to your mouth and teeth. In addition, the citrus has leaf red matter. If ingested too much, the blood ingredients will increase sharply and accumulate in the skin, making the skin in the rich and colorful positions of human body fat, such as the palm of the hand, fingers, feet, nasal grooves and the edge of the nasal cavity yellow.

    In addition, it is not necessary to eat citrus with turnip, that is, it is not necessary to eat citrus immediately after eating turnip. If they are often taken together, it will cause or cause goiter. In addition to the turnip, citrus is not suitable for eating with milk. Otherwise, the salicylic acid in citrus will coagulate the protein in milk, which will not only affect digestion and absorption, but also continue to cause abdominal distension, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other diseases in serious cases. Therefore, you should drink milk for 1 hour before you can eat citrus.

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