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How is papaya bitter

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How is papaya bitter


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Some of you bought papayas in your daily life that taste bitter. There are many reasons why papayas taste bitter. For example, the outer peel of the fruit was scratched, which caused a structural change in the texture of the meat in the middle and later stages. In addition, they are not completely perfect. Such papayas taste bitter, Therefore, you should pay attention when choosing papaya.

    Can you eat the bitter papaya:

    Whether papaya becomes bitter can be eaten depends on the actual reason for the bitter.

    Why papaya is bitter:

    Papaya scratch

    Papaya is bitter, many of which are caused by scratching the skin during the whole process of papaya growth and development. When the papaya grows and develops again after being injured, its texture changes, so it is bitter. If you see scratches on the papaya skin, don't buy it.

    Cooked Papaya

    If you buy raw papaya, it will be bitter if you pick off the stuffy ripe papaya, and some papaya that has been beaten by frost will also be bitter. If you have been buying papayas, you'd better choose the one with clean skin, which looks straight and not deformed, has no crush, is well proportioned and bright, and is hard and soft when gently pinched, which means that the papaya is well cooked. Although it is not recommended to choose too raw, it is not necessary to choose very familiar ones.

    Insufficient maturity

    After the papaya is perfected, its flesh will be soft and easily bruised, which is not suitable for transportation. Therefore, the growers pick the papaya raw, and not until the papaya is perfected. At the moment, the papaya is all green. This kind of papaya needs to go through Cui cooking or cooking after it is bought back. Taking it immediately is bitter and belongs to all normal conditions.

    Didn't clean it up

    Papaya can only eat the pulp of papaya. Before taking papaya, remove its skin and the seeds inside, and then clean them. If the outer skin is too thin, the pulp close to the skin will contain a bitter taste. Because the outer skin of papaya contains a bitter taste, and papaya seeds also contain a bitter taste.

    How to choose papaya:

    1. Look at the tone

    Carica papaya is the first choice to identify its maturity. It should be dark yellow in color, which will be more delicious. Generally, if the surface is green, it is immature. Of course, the taste is not particularly sweet.

    2. Look at the black spot

    Some small black spots on the papaya skin are generally rotten, and they will be very sweet to eat. But pay attention, some papayas that are too ripe will be slightly rotten, and the skin will also be marked with spots, that is, rotten marks, and pay attention to identification.

    3. Collagen fibers on the skin

    If you want to choose a sticky collagen fiber on the skin, that is, sugar gum. Papayas like that are usually very sweet.

    4. Smell

    If you choose papaya, you can smell it. Generally ripe papaya has a very fragrant taste. If there is no taste, it proves that the papaya is not ripe. If there is a bad smell, you must not buy it. It is possible that the papaya has rotted and become moldy.

    5. Look at the melon stalk

    When buying papaya, you should not only buy sweet ones, but also pay attention to fresh ones. Generally, you can start from the papaya stem. If the papaya stem looks green and fresh, the papaya is usually just picked, and the taste is certainly more delicious. You can also see whether the papaya stem has milky milk overflow. Fresh papaya has milky milk, which is papaya gum.

    6. See melon tripe

    If you want to choose a delicious papaya, you need to choose the papaya with a bigger belly. Generally, the papaya with a bigger belly is a mother melon, and the meat is thicker than the seeds.

    7. Feel with touch

    Usually, papaya should be used for sense of smell, visual effect and touch. You can press papaya belly gently with your hand. If you can press papaya with your hand, and it is not collapsed, papaya is generally ripe.

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