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The effect of soaking fennel seeds in water

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The effect of soaking fennel seeds in water


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Do you know fennel? It is a kind of food with medicinal value and efficacy, and can also be taken. It can make some seasonings, such as charcoal barbecue, and some seasonings are very good choices, which can have very good health care effects. Fennel seeds can also be taken. It is said that it can be soaked in water, so can you make tea, What are the effects and benefits? Let's have a look.

    Fennel seeds are commonly used to strengthen the stomach and digest food, dispel cold, regulate qi, and soak in water.

    Fennel seed is warm and pungent. It belongs to the liver, kidney, spleen, liver and gallbladder channels. It can warm the kidney, nourish stomach qi, disperse congestion, dispel cold and relieve pain, and promote qi and stomach.

    Fennel seeds are good for soaking in water. The tea made from fennel seeds can dispel cold, relieve pain, and promote qi flow in the stomach. But please note that you bought the fennel in the pharmacy. You can't use the harmful fennel sold in the market. If the body is normal, it is not recommended to drink every day. Fennel seed can be soaked in water and has a very good effect of soothing the liver and regulating qi. It has a very good effect and practical effect on relieving stomach discomfort.

    Fennel can dispel poison, relieve menstrual pain, and improve appetite, tonify the kidney, strengthen yang, stop coughing and dissipate phlegm, so it can be used for abdominal pain and drainage pipes; It can also dispel cold and relieve pain, treat stomach cold, abdominal pain and gastric colic, and is good for digestive tract; It can also regulate qi, relieve pain, regulate temperature and yang. Fennel has the effect of clearing away heat and removing fire. It is delicious for promoting appetite, tonifying kidney and strengthening yang. In addition, it can also reduce stomach discomfort and have practical effects.

    Fennel soaked in water can also be used to stop vomiting, cure indigestion, halitosis, remove intestinal qi, abdominal distension, improve colic, moisten intestines and relieve constipation, and facilitate urination and body detoxification. It is regarded as a panacea for reducing fat.

    The fennel seed can be soaked in water and has a strong effect. It can have a very good health care effect and practical effect. In addition, it can also have the effect of soothing the liver and regulating qi. It has a very good effect on improving gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, it can also detoxify the body and facilitate urination. You can try it.

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