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Can I eat pineapple on an empty stomach? Don't eat wrong in the future

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Can I eat pineapple on an empty stomach? Don't eat wrong in the future


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    People are very particular about eating on an empty stomach. Many foods that look good cannot be eaten on an empty stomach, such as pineapple, because pineapple contains strong enzymes. If eaten on an empty stomach, this kind of food will hurt the stomach and nutrition will not be absorbed.

    1、 Can pineapple be eaten on an empty stomach

    Pineapple cannot be eaten on an empty stomach.

    Pineapple is rich in strong enzymes. Eating it on an empty stomach will hurt your stomach. It is better to eat it after eating to better absorb its nutrients.

    Pineapple is not suitable for eating on an empty stomach. It is better to eat it after a meal. Therefore, the nutritional value of pineapple is reflected after the meal, which is the best fruit after the meal. Those who like pineapple should fill their stomachs before starting, or they will have a burden on the stomach. Eating pineapple after a meal can also discharge the filth in the intestines, eliminate constipation, return the metabolism to normal, and achieve the effect of preventing intestinal cancer; It also has good effect on tracheitis, nephritis, dysentery, heatstroke, fatigue and other symptoms.

    2、 How about eating pineapple on an empty stomach

    1. It is clinically found that someone who eats pineapple will cause allergy, commonly known as "pineapple disease" or "pineapple poisoning". Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, allergic symptoms, headache, dizziness, skin flushing, body purplish, limbs and tongue numbness occur within 15 minutes to 1 hour after eating. In severe cases, they will suddenly faint, and even have shock and other symptoms.

    2. These symptoms are anaphylactic shock caused by eating pineapple on an empty stomach, mainly caused by a protease contained in pineapple. If eaten on an empty stomach, this proteolytic enzyme will damage the stomach wall, leading to adverse reactions. Pineapple is rich in strong enzymes. Eating it on an empty stomach will hurt the stomach and destroy its nutrients. Only after eating can nutrition be better absorbed.

    3. Attention should be paid when eating pineapple: Do not overeat on an empty stomach. In addition to peeling the peel, lepidophytes, hairs and diced fruit, the flesh must be soaked in salt for several minutes before eating after being sliced. Its harm is that some people are allergic to pineapple. In medicine, this allergy caused by eating pineapple is called "pineapple disease". This is because pineapple contains glycosides, which are irritating to human skin and oral mucosa to a certain extent. Therefore, eating raw pineapple without treatment will make your mouth itch.

    3、 What to pay attention to when eating pineapple

    1. Don't overeat

    Pineapple contains more oxalic acid, and excessive consumption is harmful to the intestines and stomach. Therefore, you should eat an appropriate amount of pineapple. Do not eat too much at one time because it is delicious, which will affect your health. In fact, it is not good to eat too much or too much of any food. The more appropriate way is to adhere to the "golden mean" and grasp the standard to eat healthily.

    2. Dip in brine before eating

    Since pineapple contains irritating glycosides and bromelain, the peel and thorn should be trimmed, the pulp cut into blocks, soaked in dilute brine or sugar water, extracted glycosides, and then eaten.

    3. Pineapple and eggs can't be eaten together

    The protein in the egg combines with the fruit acid in the pineapple, which is easy to solidify the protein and affect digestion

    4. Not everyone is fit to eat

    Although pineapple is delicious, its strong sour taste and cooling effect are not suitable for everyone. People suffering from hypotension and visceral ptosis should try to eat less pineapple to avoid aggravating the disease; Female friends who are afraid of cold and weak had better control pineapple within half, and those who are too thin or want to gain weight should not eat more.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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