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Efficacy and Function of Guilingji Liquor

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Efficacy and Function of Guilingji Liquor


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Guilingji sells to Hong Kong, Macao and other regions in China and 21 countries in Southeast Asia, Africa, Europe and South America. In 1979, he was awarded the National Silver Award for Famous and Excellent Products. In order to consider the public's requirements for drug diversification and the need to integrate into the entrance and exit, that is, it is required to add a liquor to the original powder solution. After five years of scientific research, in 1978, Guilingji Liquor, a precious bee wine with distinctive taste in China, was successfully trial produced.

    Characteristics of Guilingji Liquor

    Guilingji Liquor takes Xinghua Village Fenjiu as the base liquor, and uses modern science and technology to develop the composition and matching of prescriptions, so its color, aroma and taste are all top grade. At an international drug brewery product conference in Hong Kong, China, Guilingji Liquor was rated as the best bee wine. As soon as Guilingji Liquor came out, it was widely and warmly welcomed. In addition to the rich fragrance and mellow elements of Xinghua Village Fenjiu, it also had the same effect as the powder Guilingji Liquor, and had significantly faster effect than the powder, with less side effects and other characteristics.

    Who is not suitable to drink Guilingji Liquor

    1. Stop taking it for people with cold;

    2. Pregnant women, minors, patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, patients with liver and kidney dysfunction, and those with alcohol allergy.

    The modified Guilingji Liquor is very good for curing kidney deficiency, but it should not be used too much each time. People with good physical fitness and large flow can drink more. As a health care wine, it should be most beneficial for physical and mental health to drink less often. When eating, it can be mixed with other wines, ice cubes and drinks. If you find that you are calm, you need to shake it up. It is all normal, and there is nothing to worry about!

    Who is the right person to drink Guilingji Liquor

    Both Guilingji Liquor and Jiawei Guilingji Liquor are suitable for mental fatigue caused by kidney qi deficiency, cold and chilly limbs, sore back and soft legs, bone and tendon pain, impotence and premature ejaculation.

    In fact, the ingredients of Guilingji Liquor and Jiawei Guilingji Liquor are similar, and of course, they have the same effect. Therefore, they have the same effect on curing mental fatigue, cold limbs, chills, waist soreness and leg weakness, bone pain, impotence and premature ejaculation caused by kidney qi deficiency.

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