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504 × 27 simple calculation

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504 × 27 simple calculation


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  • 2023-11-10 11:00:19

    504x27 simple calculation results in 13608. According to the meaning of the question, the most convenient and simple calculation method is mental calculation. Next, we list two simpler calculation methods according to the known conditions given by the question. Method 1: 504x27=(500 + 4) x27=500x27 + 4x27 = 13500 + 108 = 13608

    Method 2: 504x27=504x (30-3)=504x30-504x3=15120-1512=13608. The answer is over.

    504 × 27 simple calculation

    Divide 504 into 500+4, that is, (500+4) × 27. Then apply multiplication to calculate the increased distribution law (a+b) c=ab+ac, (500+4) × 27=500 × 27+4 × 27=13500+108=13608. In this problem, we should first consider how to deal with the 504 problem. We divide it into 500+4, where there are hundreds, so that we can use the multiplication distribution law to simplify operations.

    504 × 27 simple calculation

    In this problem, 504 is first divided into the sum of hundreds or tens of numbers and single digits, that is, 500+4. Then it evolves into (500+4) × 27=27 × 500+4 × 27. Then, according to the characteristics of 4 × 25=100, 27 is divided into 25+2. Finally, the formula evolves into 13500 + 4 × (25 + 2)=13500 + 4 × 25 + 4 × 2=13500 + 100 + 8=13608.


    2023-11-10 11:00:19

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