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Opening ceremony of primary school English training

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Opening ceremony of primary school English training


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  • 2023-09-07 06:00:36

    Write a short speech at the training opening ceremony: first introduce why the training is needed, then introduce the training processes, and finally look forward to the success of the training. The reference text is as follows: Good morning, everyone! According to the unified deployment of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau, we decided to hold this "County wide Rural Primary School Principals and Kindergarten Principals Training Class". More than 200 principals and principals from all primary schools, teaching sites and kindergartens in the county participated in this training activity. In order to run this training class well, I would like to make the following suggestions: 1. Grasp the "one center" of this training class: focus on the end of education and improve the school running level. In 20xx, at the teaching work conference of the whole county, we proposed to pay attention to the "end of education" and activate the "end of education". This "end of education" focuses on rural primary schools and rural kindergartens. 2. Clarify the "two major themes" of this training course: safety and management. These are the two most important aspects of supporting a school. 3. Strive to achieve "three combinations": combination of theory and practice, combination of expert report and group discussion, and combination of individual research and expert guidance. For this training, we invited Professor Wang, the chairman of the National Happiness Education Alliance and a researcher of Shanghai Jinshan District Education Bureau, Professor Liu, a doctoral supervisor of Anhui University, and well-known principals in the province, such as the principals of Haier Hope Primary School and Hancang Primary School, to make reports. 4. Emphasis on "four disciplines": first, attendance. Strengthen daily attendance and report the attendance in time. Second, turn off the mobile phone when listening to the report. Do not answer or make phone calls in class. Third, study discipline. Study hard, and after that, each person will write a piece of experience based on his own experience, which will be sorted out and distributed to the whole county. Fourth, safety discipline. Pay attention to safety in your spare time. Comrades, the teacher training center provides you with a better living and learning environment. If you have any problems in your study and life, please contact the principal Wang Yaoguang of the training center in time. I wish you a happy, relaxed and harmonious training life. Thank you! Refer to the second model article: Respected leaders and comrades: Good morning! In order to improve the level of Li brocade weaving skills of women in our village, let the masses master a technology to increase their income, promote the income of xxx farmers, and better protect and inherit the Li brocade culture, today we are holding a 20xx Shiha Village Brocade Training Class at Shiha Village Committee. The training course was led by the Municipal Culture and Sports Bureau, hosted by the Municipal Cultural Center, and jointly organized by the township government and relevant departments. Here, on behalf of the township party committee and the government, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the relevant units that strongly support the opening of this training class! I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the peasant sisters who participated in this training! Next, I would like to make two comments on the success of this tapestry training class: First, fully understand the significance of holding the training class. Lijin is a textile technology created by our ancestors of the Li nationality. The process has existed for thousands of years and is known as the "living cultural fossil" of human society. The brocade training class is designed to better inherit the brocade craft of the Li nationality, promote the culture of the Li brocade, and prevent the Li brocade from fading out of the life of the Li people; It is the urgent need of building a new socialist countryside to improve the overall quality of farmers in our township and cultivate new farmers who have culture, know technology and understand technology; It is an important task to coordinate urban and rural economic and social development, build modern agriculture, develop rural economy, increase farmers' income, and build a well-off society in an all-round way. 2、 Raise awareness, apply what you have learned, and vigorously promote the Lijin culture. Every student participating in the skill training today should treat this training class as a master, pay attention to it from the perspective of ideology, respect teachers and ask for advice modestly; Strictly abide by the training discipline requirements, listen to the teacher carefully and take notes actively during class; We should carefully follow the arrangements of the organizers and trainers. We should put what we have learned into practice. Adhere to the combination of learning and application, and improve the ability and quality and brocade level through the accumulation of learning and practice. We hope that through this training, we can continuously improve the level of brocade weaving, accumulate experience, master technology, and make contributions to increasing farmers' income and inheriting and carrying forward national culture. Finally, I wish this skill training class a complete success, and I wish you all success! Thank you!

Other answers

    2023-09-07 06:00:46
  • To open a training center, you should make relevant preparations for early publicity and leaflet distribution. If you don't understand anything and don't know how to do a good job in the training center, you can click on the training center's opening.


    2023-09-07 06:00:46

  • 2023-09-07 06:00:21
  • Opening ceremony agenda 1. The host announced the opening ceremony of xx, and all stood up and sang the national anthem. 2. The host introduced the leaders sitting on the rostrum. 3. Speech by important leaders 4. Speech by student representatives. 5. The host announced the end of the opening ceremony. 6. Group photo of all participants in front of the meteorological building.


    2023-09-07 06:00:21

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