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How do you boil eggs and peel them?

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How do you boil eggs and peel them?


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  • 2024-05-24 09:00:00

    Raw egg is a very popular food. Basically, all people like to eat an egg in breakfast to store their energy for the day. However, it is a little inconvenient to take raw eggs. After the eggs are cooked, they need to be peeled, and many people have encountered the situation that it is difficult to peel the eggshells. That affects the efficiency of taking eggs, and will consume some raw egg tissue. Let's discuss how to boil eggs well?

    If the boiled raw eggs are not peeled well, they will make a mess and affect the appetite. Some people peel off the pot as soon as they start, which is hot and unsafe; Some people put raw eggs into cold water (this is called hot expansion and cold contraction) immediately after they start cooking. Cold water may bring germs, which is unsanitary.

    Method 1:

    1. Before you boil an egg, you can knock the raw egg gently to make a small crack. But don't try too hard, just a small crack. Of course, this method is not very good.

    2. When boiling eggs, you'd better boil them for 3 minutes without fighting the fire after the water has boiled down, and then take them off after 5 minutes of fighting the fire and put them in cold water.

    3. After the raw eggs are boiled, they are quickly thrown into cold water, which will cause heat expansion and cold contraction. The yolk and white inside the raw eggs are separated from the shell.

    Method 2:

    Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot (preferably more than the boiled eggs), and put the raw eggs into the boiling water after boiling. The total number of eggs need not be too much, generally not more than 30, and boil for 8-9 minutes (many 8 minutes need not be more than 9 minutes). Immediately stop fighting and start cooking. The raw eggs cooked in this way are both tender and nutritious. No matter how long they are kept, if you put the raw eggs in the palm of your hand, gently hold the shell of the egg to loosen it and remove the whole shell.

    Method 3:

    The water concentration value after salt addition increases, and the protein denatures. During the whole cooking process, part of the water in the egg white leaks when it meets the boiling water with a large concentration value after salt addition. The external plasma osmotic pressure with a high concentration changes the spatial layout of the protein. In that case, the protein in the eggshell is very easy to collapse, and the hydrophobic functional group is out warped; The hydrophilic group turns inward, and the attractive effect makes the protein gather and settle, so there is a certain gap between the egg shell and the protein, and the egg shell is very easy to peel.


    2024-05-24 09:00:00

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