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Can steamed buns be frozen?

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Can steamed buns be frozen?


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  • 2024-05-24 09:00:00

    Xiaolongbao is a common food in our daily life. It often tastes different because of the different fillings in Xiaolongbao. For example, some people like to eat big steamed buns, and some people like to eat small steamed buns with vegetarian stuffing. They are all very good choices. The key is that after each steamed bun is left over, many people do not know how to store it. So, can the small steamed buns be refrigerated?

    If the storage time of steamed buns is less than three days, they can be frozen, so the refrigeration effect is very good; If it needs to be stored for more than three days, it needs to be refrigerated, so the storage time is longer. In addition, pay attention to the following contents during the whole storage process

    1. Put the steamed buns in the freezer of the refrigerator for cold storage. It is better not to stack them before they become hard, so as not to squash the steamed buns and affect their appearance (dumplings can also be done that way). 2. If the steamed buns bought outside are not too hot, they can be immediately put into the freezer of the refrigerator. 3. If you want to eat, take the frozen steamed buns off and put them into the frying pan for steaming, Raw steamed buns should be steamed for a longer time (20 to 30 minutes), while cooked steamed buns should be steamed for a shorter time (5 to 6 minutes).

    The actual effect of putting raw steamed buns in the refrigerator is stronger (the prerequisite is that they must be frozen). Put the cooked steamed buns into the refrigerator, take them out and heat them, they will become refined steamed buns, and the taste will be discounted.

    Raw materials of Sanxiang Xiaolongbao: 250g refined flour, proper old flour and alkali, 100g fresh dumpling filling, red bean filling and white sugar filling respectively.


    Mix the refined flour with the old flour and warm boiled water, and then add the alkali after mellowing. Clean, stew, mash and grind the adzuki beans into mash, add sugar, stir fry them into sand filling, chop the raw pork into minced meat, add salt, chicken essence, white pepper, scallions and sesame oil, and turn them into dumpling filling. Rub the batter into 12 thick strips, each weighing about 20 grams. Squeeze the batter into dumpling stuffing, red bean stuffing, white granulated sugar, and knead it into eighteen fold folds. Then use chopsticks to order 4 points of red water at the closing point, and boil it in the cage.

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