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The efficacy of lotus and the practice of cold mixed lotus

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The efficacy of lotus and the practice of cold mixed lotus


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  • 2024-05-24 07:01:46

    There are many people who like to eat lotus dishes, so how much do you know and how to mix cold lotus dishes? Webweaver is going to give you an actual introduction to some relevant situations here. I think there are still many people who like to eat cold lotus dishes very much, but I don't know how to do it. Then why not discuss some situations with Webweaver here!

    1、 Lotus has the effect of clearing heat and cooling blood, and can be used to treat the symptoms of sexual fever; The lotus root tastes sweet and liquid, which is especially beneficial to those with dry mouth, bleeding, hemoptysis and bleeding. The lotus root contains mucus protein and dietary fiber, which can be fused with bile salts in the human body, cholesterol and triglycerides in the food ingredients, so that they can be discharged from the excreta, thus reducing the digestion and absorption of long-chain fatty acids. The lotus root gives off a distinctive fragrance and tannin, which has certain effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach to treat diarrhea, can improve appetite, promote digestion, strengthen the spleen and appetizer, and is conducive to the recovery of those with poor appetite and appetite as soon as possible.

    2、 Raw Materials of Cold Mixed Lotus

    A section of lotus root, mashed garlic, a small amount of ginger foam, and a small amount of vanilla (for decoration design)

    3、 How to mix cold dishes with lotus

    1. The lotus root is peeled and cut into pieces, about 2mm. It doesn't have to be too thick. The taste is not good. The cut duck gizzards are washed and soaked in cold water with white rice vinegar. This whole process is very important to prevent the lotus root from fading in the whole process of heating, so that the solved duck gizzards will be fresh, tender and beautiful.

    Boil a pot of water and put it into the duck gizzards after the water boils. When the water boils again, the duck gizzards are already boiled. Take them out and put them into the air boiling water or mineral water to reduce the temperature. Soak them and add white rice vinegar to the cold boiled water. The effect is the same as above.

    2. Dry the duck gizzards, add garlic and ginger foam, salt, MSG, white rice vinegar seasoning, mix and marinate for a while.

    3. Remove the oil from the pan, add the cut dry red pepper and pepper, and stir until the aroma is released. Drain the pepper and chilli, pour the oil on the duck gizzards, and stir. Then you can set the plate and sprinkle some vanilla for decoration.

    4、 Tips

    The duck gizzards are not easy to change color after being washed with water containing a white rice vinegar. They are very white and tender. Naturally, you should pay attention to the fact that when the duck gizzards are hot, there is no need to add salt. Because the shop inside the salt is heated and the cassava starch contained in the lotus root will cause the reaction to turn blue

    Here is a detailed introduction to the cold dish website! Can everyone do it now? How much do you know? Are you excited? Do you want to master some details of the actual situation now! So the webeditor will give you a detailed introduction here! I look forward to helping you master it!


    2024-05-24 07:01:46

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