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Function and efficacy of Nengqilang coenzyme q10

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Function and efficacy of Nengqilang coenzyme q10


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  • 2024-05-24 09:00:00

    What is the effect of Nengqilang coenzyme q10? As we all know, coenzyme Q10 is an ingredient used to recuperate cardiovascular diseases, mainly for the treatment of viral myocarditis and diffuse heart failure. The heart is the key to the body, so when the heart has a problem, it will cause a huge threat to the physical and mental health of the body. Therefore, cardiovascular diseases must be carefully treated in daily life.

    What is the effect of Nengqilang coenzyme q10?

    1. Maintenance effect of coenzyme Q10 on heart

    Coenzyme Q10 can maintain the heart and make the heart energetic. For the body, the composition of coenzyme Q10 will continue to decrease with the increase of age. The older the patient, the probability of angina pectoris is very related to the lack of coenzyme Q10 in the body. Research shows that if the body's coenzyme Q10 is stable at a normal level from beginning to end, the probability of getting coronary heart disease is extremely low.

    2. Therapeutic effect of coenzyme Q10 on aortic atherosclerosis

    CoQ10 supplementation can significantly reduce the total cholesterol, LDL and other atherogenic factors in the patient's blood, and improve the anti atherogenic factors such as HDL, vitamin C and vitamin E. Therefore, exogenous CoQ10 supplementation has certain benefits for reducing the risk source of coronary heart disease - aortic atherosclerosis.

    3. The buffering effect of coenzyme Q10 on high cholesterol

    As we all know, statin is the best choice for treating hypercholesterolemia. When patients with high cholesterol take statins, they will block cholesterol production, but also block the microbial production of CoQ10. Many clinical studies have confirmed that basically all statins reduce the level of CoQ10 in the body, ranging from 20 to 50%. The reduced level is related to the amount of statins used and the time of taking statins. Therefore, during the medication period, patients with high cholesterol must be treated with coenzyme Q10 and statins to prevent muscle damage and liver damage caused by statins.

    4. Show kinetic energy for body metabolism

    All microbial activities need kinetic energy to maintain. The kinetic energy comes from the absorption and metabolism of materials such as body sugar, body fat and protein. All substances carry out certain chemical action in the body, and finally convert into CO2 and water. On the respiratory chain of oxidative phosphorylation, all electronic devices of the body must reflect coenzyme Q10, and ensure the organic chemical infiltration of the respiratory chain in the gradient direction. Therefore, coenzyme Q10 is particularly important for the efficiency of the respiratory chain and the generation of kinetic energy.

    5. Oxidation resistance

    As we all know, coenzyme Q10 can eliminate oxygen free radicals induced by various reducing agents in the body and protect the body from oxidative stress, which is why coenzyme Q10 is also widely used in women's skin care products.

    6. Stable cytoplasm

    CoQ10 can eliminate oxygen free radicals, prevent the peroxides of unsaturated fatty acids in cytoplasm, reduce the destruction of cell membrane structure, and maintain the consistency and reliability of cell membrane structure.

    How much is the usage of Nengqilang coenzyme q10?

    When Nengqilang coenzyme q10 is used to treat the disease, it should be taken in strict accordance with the instructions for use. Nengqilang coenzyme q10 takes one tablet three times a day after meals.

    Take Nengqilang coenzyme q10 after meals to prevent discomfort in case of stomach disease.

    Nengqilang coenzyme Q10 is a very good coenzyme product. If you can take it into consideration when purchasing coenzyme Q10, most of the people taking it are middle-aged and elderly people at this stage. It is recommended that you pay attention to your lifestyle during the taking period to improve the quality of life, so as to ensure the actual effect of taking it.


    2024-05-24 09:00:00

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