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How to keep bananas for a long time

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How to keep bananas for a long time


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  • 2024-05-24 08:00:00

    Banana apple is a delicious fruit, but it is usually not stored for too long. People should eat the banana apple in a short period of time. If it is put for too long, it will cause some mildew on the outside of the banana apple, which will then affect the inside of the banana apple and produce some small black spots, so there is no way to eat the apple again, This has already caused mildew and mildew, and if you eat it again, it will cause side effects.

    The flesh of banana, apple and melon is sweet and smooth, which is one of our favorite fresh fruits. Westerners call it "happy fruit" because it can eliminate depression. On the basis of banana and apple, there are also artistic, creative, cultural and artistic fresh fruits, which make people happy. [6] And the banana apple is also a good fruit for women friends to lose weight. The banana apple is also called the "fruit of wisdom". It is said that the Buddha Sakyamuni got wisdom after eating the banana apple.

    Banana apples contain phosphorus called "salt of wisdom", rich and colorful protein, sugar, potassium, vitamin D and C, as well as many chemical fibers, which can be called very good nutritious food. The banana, apple and melon pulp contains more than 15% sugar, 0.2~0.3% acid and 1.5% protein per 100g. It also contains 53 mg phosphorus, 19 mg calcium, 400 mg potassium and C24 mg vitamin. Banana apples also contain gum arabic, a variety of enzymes and nutrients.

    Banana apples contain potassium and magnesium. Potassium can prevent blood pressure from rising and muscle spasm. Magnesium has the practical effect of relieving fatigue. Therefore, banana apple is the preferred fresh fruit for hypertension patients. Banana apples contain pantothenic acid and other ingredients that are the "happy growth hormone" of the body, which can relieve mental stress and eliminate depression. The fresh fruit of art, creativity, culture and art is inspired by this. Eating bananas before going to bed also has a calming effect. Spanish biologists think through scientific research that: the fresh fruit that best matches the standard of nutritional ingredients and can add smile to a person's upright face is banana apple. Sure enough, cheer up!

    The vitamin D contained in banana apples can improve the resistance to diseases, and maintain all normal fertility and eye vision; Nicotinic acid can fight beriberi, promote appetite, digestion, and maintain the central nervous system; Vitamin b2 can promote the normal growth and development of human body. Banana apples also have the effect of promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis, promoting digestion, relieving cough and moistening lung, clearing heat and eliminating fire, promoting digestion and nourishing health. Banana apples are very easy to digest and absorb. Children and the elderly can take them with peace of mind and supplement balanced nutrients. Bananas and apples are low calorie foods. Even people who have lost weight can take them happily.

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    Ingredients: fruit contains 0.5% starch, 1.3% protein, 0.6% human fat, 11% sugar, 1% ash, vitamin D, vitamin b2, vitamin C, vitamin E, etc. It also contains a small amount of 5-5-hydroxytryptamine, norepinephrine and dimethylphenylethylamine. The leaves contain a small amount of tannin and methyl cellulose 11.55%.

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