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How to use sand for cutting

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How to use sand for cutting


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  • 2024-05-21 17:00:03

    Handling sand

    Sometimes, some sand will be found on some construction sites or roads, which can be used as cuttings of cuttings. But it needs to be processed.

    Select sand, which is suitable for cutting, and then take it home.

    After the sand is brought home, it should be washed first, and then it should be washed in water for 2-3 times. The dirt inside should be washed out and removed. After washing, it should be exposed to the sun for disinfection. It is really a direct use of carbendazim and potassium permanganate solution to soak and disinfect. After disinfection, it can be used as cutting substrate.

    How to cut

    First, put the prepared sand into the container to be cut, such as the plastic cup and seedling box, and use it after watering.

    Then, prepare the cuttings for cutting, treat the branches of the flowers to be cut, sterilize them with multi bacteria elixir, and then cut them into the sand.

    After cutting, pay attention to moisturizing, and cover it with a layer of fresh-keeping film. Or put a tray with water at the bottom of the cutting container to keep the humidity.

    After curing, the cuttings will take root in 20-30 days. After taking root, the cuttings will be taken out of the sand for transplanting and planting.


    2024-05-21 17:00:03

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