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Apples contain trace elements that enhance memory

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Apples contain trace elements that enhance memory


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  • 2024-05-24 09:00:00

    Apple is a common kind of fresh fruit. This kind of fresh fruit contains rich and colorful methyl cellulose and its nutrient elements, which can promote gastrointestinal digestion and absorption, and can enhance memory. Apples can improve memory, mainly because of the presence of zinc, the main element that promotes brain development, can promote the growth and development of IQ and enhance immunity, so children can eat some fresh fruits moderately in ordinary times, which is beneficial to gastrointestinal and physical health.

    The nutrient element in apples that can improve memory is zinc.

    Apples contain zinc. Zinc is a component of many key enzymes in the human body and an important factor to promote blindness. Zinc is also an indispensable element of nucleotides and proteins closely related to memory ability. Therefore, eating apples has the health care function of improving memory.

    Zinc has the effect of assisting hair blindness, brain development and enhancing immunity. Lack of zinc will have a serious impact on our human body, especially hair blindness. Therefore, it is necessary to supplement sufficient zinc for hair blindness and brain development.

    Zinc generally participates in the metabolism of body protein, body fat and sugar according to enzymes. Zinc is also an indispensable element of nucleotides and proteins closely related to memory ability. Calcium deficiency can stunt the development of the hippocampus at the edge of the cerebral cortex and affect the memory ability. The experiment also confirmed that children's memory ability and self-learning ability are severely hindered by reducing the zinc in the food.

    Development materials:

    Ingredients for improving memory also include:

    1. Orange

    Orange is a typical alkaline food with many vitamins D, B1 and C, which can eliminate the damage of many acidic fruits to the central nervous system. Eating oranges regularly during the exam period can make people energetic. In addition, green lemon, mandarin, red heart pomelo, etc. also have similar functions and can replace oranges.

    2. Bract rice

    The rice germ contains a variety of unsaturated fats such as fatty acids, which can maintain the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular functions and reduce blood lipids. In particular, the high water content of phosphoric acid in the corn can help promote the metabolism of brain nerves. Often eating some corn, especially fresh corn, has brain benefits.

    3. Peanut kernel

    Peanut kernels contain soybean lecithin and cephalin, which are key substances required by the central nervous system and can slow down the decline of brain function, inhibit platelet coagulation and avoid cerebral thrombosis. The experiment confirmed that eating peanut kernels regularly can improve the blood circulation system, improve memory, and prevent aging, which is truly "longevity fruit".

    4. Milk

    Cow milk is a kind of nutrition and health care product that is near the extreme. It contains protein, calcium, and carbohydrates essential for human brain. Calcium in cow's milk is easy to be digested and absorbed by others, which is the key substance that brain metabolism cannot lack. In addition, it also contains vitamin b21 and other elements that are very beneficial to neuron cells. If you have insomnia due to excessive thinking, a cup of boiled milk before going to bed will help you fall asleep.

    5. Raw egg

    The function of human brain activity and memory ability are closely related to the composition of acetylcholine in human brain. The experiment confirmed that the expression effect of the chicken eating game depends on: when the egg yolk, which often contains rich and colorful soybean lecithin, is dissolved by the enzyme, it can produce rich and colorful acetylcholine, which will enter the blood and quickly reach the brain tissue, improving memory.


    2024-05-24 09:00:00

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