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Girlfriend always knocks me with others

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Girlfriend always knocks me with others


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  • 2023-11-10 22:00:10

    Girlfriend always knocks you and others' CP, which may mean that you are more attractive to girls, and then the girlfriend always goes there intentionally or unintentionally. Hmm, inquire about some or ask some questions about sex. Maybe she likes to joke with you, or she may remind you all the time that you have a girlfriend, please pay attention to your words and deeds.

    Girlfriend always knocks me with others

    In my opinion, the reason why this woman often knocks you and others' CP is not that she doesn't believe you, but that she loves you too much. Then he always feels jealous. Maybe she is jealous when you are talking and laughing with other girls, so she deliberately makes fun of you and hopes you can keep a distance from other girls.

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