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Reproductive mode of arrowhead arrowhead

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Reproductive mode of arrowhead arrowhead


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  • 2024-05-21 17:00:18

    Reproductive mode of arrowhead arrowhead

    There are two ways of propagation of Elaeagnus arundinaceus: branch propagation and cutting propagation.

    division propagation

    Ramet propagation is more commonly used for arrowhead arrowroot. However, cutting propagation is less than branch propagation. The optimal propagation temperature of Arundinaria sagittarius is about 20 ℃. If branch propagation is carried out indoors and the temperature and humidity are well controlled, branch propagation can be carried out throughout the year. What are the steps of ramet propagation? First of all, we should cut the root blocks with stems, leaves and buds with a knife. If we plant at home, we can directly plant the cut root blocks. We must pay attention to the maintenance of planting temperature and humidity during the branch propagation.

    cuttage propagation

    Cutting propagation is also one of the propagation methods of Arundinaria sagittata. Although it is not as widely used as branch propagation, it is also an important propagation method of Arundinaria sagittata. Cutting propagation generally uses tender shoots at the top of plants as cuttings, and the length of cuttings is about 10 cm to 16 cm, which is the most suitable. And keep the leaves according to the actual size of the leaves, about half of the leaves. The cuttings shall be treated with acetic acid first. After treatment, the cuttings shall be inserted into the seedbed. Attention shall be paid to keeping the row spacing. After planting, the cuttings shall be covered with film. The management method of cutting propagation is the same as that of branch propagation. The best temperature for cutting propagation is 20 ℃, and cuttings will take root about 40 days after cutting.


    2024-05-21 17:00:18

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