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How often to spray urea degradation agent in swimming pool

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How often to spray urea degradation agent in swimming pool


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  • 2023-11-10 23:00:06

    Every week.

    The urea degrading agent can be simply poured slowly along the side of the pool. If the urea concentration in the pool water is higher, the consumption of residual chlorine in the water will be faster. Therefore, before adding the urea degrading agent, the residual chlorine in the pool water needs to be increased to more than 1mg/L to ensure the disinfection effect. Under normal maintenance, the dosage of 1kg per 1000 cubic meters of water can be used for maintenance for a week, once a week, and emergency treatment, Every 1000 cubic meters of water needs to add 3-5 kilograms, which can generally be used according to the number of people in the swimming pool and the test results.

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