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Braised Duck with Beer

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Braised Duck with Beer


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  • 2024-05-24 09:00:00

    Beer duck is a well-known duck practice. The domestic duck should be cleaned first, and then it can be made into stewed beer duck. It tastes very delicious. Goose meat is different from raw pork. Its food is characterized by its cool nature. Eating some of it usually has a very good yin tonifying effect, especially in summer, It is also very beneficial to eat some goose in moderation. Let's learn about the practice of stewing duck with wine.

    Stewed Duck with Wine

    raw material

    White striped duck, wine, ginger and garlic, star anise, pepper, star anise, ginger


    1. Clean the domestic duck, open your eyes and ignore an unpulled duck hair. Then take a sharp blade to remove the glandular tube inside the duck tip and the lymph node cluster at the root of its neck. After the problem is solved, raise the knife to turn a whole duck into a small piece. At this stage, you should be quick with your hands and eyes, or watch out for your pair.

    2. Soak the duck pieces with water (put two pieces of ginger and a small amount of rice wine in the water). It is not necessary to blanch them until they are cooked. It is OK to remove the fishy smell. After the water is boiled, pick them up and drain the water.

    3. The pot is washed and boiled, and white granulated sugar and edible oil are added in addition. When the color is golden, the dried duck pieces are put into the frying, and the soya sauce, scallions, ginger slices are added to the frying again. Then they are put into the feeding box, poured into wine, covered, boiled over high heat, and simmered over low heat for about 40 minutes~~

    4. At last, it will be OK if the color is good enough to give you an appetite! Pour some sesame oil into the pan, sprinkle some scallions, and live together!


    Goose is cold, sweet and salty, and belongs to the spleen, stomach, lung and spleen meridians; It can greatly supplement the deficiency damage, nourish the yin of the five internal organs, clear the heat of the deficiency damage, supplement blood, qi and water, strengthen the spleen, nourish the stomach, generate fluid and quench thirst, stop coughing and resolve phlegm, eliminate snails, clear heat, detoxify, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and weaken and edema; It can cure physical weakness, deficiency of qi and blood after illness, and malnutrition and edema.

    Efficacy of duck meat

    1. Domestic ducks eat mostly aquatic animals, so its meat poria is sweet and cold. It enters the lung, stomach and spleen channels, and has the functions of greatly tonifying the deficiency, nourishing the yin of the five internal organs, clearing the heat of deficiency, enriching blood, supplementing qi and promoting water, strengthening the spleen, nourishing the stomach, promoting fluid and thirst, relieving cough, resolving phlegm and self alarm, eliminating snails, clearing heat, detoxifying, strengthening the spleen and stomach, weak and edema, etc; It can cure physical weakness, deficiency of qi and blood after illness, and malnutrition and edema.

    2. The male goose is cold, and the female chicken is slightly warm. It is better to be old and white, white and bone black. Stewed with an old and plump duck, Haisan has a great nourishing and health preserving effect. The stewed duck juice is good at tonifying the yin of the five internal organs and the heat of deficiency.

    3. Goose and kelp can be stewed together, which can clean up vascular garbage, reduce blood pressure, and have good effects on senile arteriosclerosis, hypertension, and heart disease.

    4. Goose stewed with spring bamboo shoots can cure hemorrhoids and bleeding of the elderly. Therefore, folk customs think that ducks are "the holy medicine to repair deficiency and damage". The fatty duck can also cure senile pulmonary tuberculosis, diabetes, spleen deficiency edema, diffuse bronchitis, dry stool, chronic nephritis and edema; Male ducks treat tuberculosis and diabetes.

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