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"Dream Journey to the West" Celestial Script Test Chapter 4 How to Pass Celestial Script Test Chapter 4 Introduction

"Dream Journey to the West" Celestial Script Test Chapter 4 How to Pass Celestial Script Test Chapter 4 Introduction


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  • 2024-07-03 14:04:20

    Fantasy Westward Journey, Hand Tour, Celestial Book Trial Chapter 4 How to Pass? The Celestial Book Test is a recently launched breakthrough activity. This activity has certain difficulties. Many children want to know how to pass the fourth chapter of the Celestial Book Test. The following editor brings you the introduction to the fourth chapter of the Celestial Book Test. Come and have a look.

    Dream Journey to the West, Hand Tour, Book of Heaven Trial Chapter 4 How to Live

    Chapter 4 Princess Iron Fan

    Moon phase of the customs:

    Eclipse: At the end of each round, 10% of the current HP of all players will be deducted (regardless of the shield)

    Monster characteristic: regeneration

    New Moon: restores maximum life by 5% each round

    Full Moon: restores 10% of the most atmosphere in each round

    Blood Month: restores maximum life by 20% each round

    (The strange first round of this level will summon the ancestors!)

    Talent selection: Rage Crazy Strike Bloodthirsty Desire (up to three)

    Team selection:

    New Area: Sun Wukong, Beihai Dragon King/Beihai Dragon King, Cow Demon King can also bring a milk, if you are an assistant, you can choose full output

    Old Area: 4 outputs are enough, and output players can choose the talent of bloodthirsty desire

    Array selection: auxiliary: snake coil array/output: tiger wing array

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