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Fifth grade postcard making (postcard making)

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Fifth grade postcard making (postcard making)


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  • 2024-06-12 09:01:37

    1. PS, open and execute the File New command.

    2. Set the width to 16 cm and the height to 10 cm. Click Create.

    3. Import the postcard cover picture, and drag the picture to the blank layer with the mobile tool.

    4. Resize the layer, and click.

    5. Use the Rectangle tool to draw a box.

    6. Press ctrl+shift+T, drag the box horizontally, and click.

    7. Press and hold ctrl shift alt, and press T key continuously until 6 boxes are reached.

    8. Use the Rectangle tool to draw a large box.

    9. Use the text tool to enter stamps, so that the postcard will be made successfully.


    2024-06-12 09:01:37

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