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Zhongguancun Sub district Office (basic details of Zhongguancun Sub district Office)

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Zhongguancun Sub district Office (basic details of Zhongguancun Sub district Office)


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  • 2024-07-02 22:01:36

    1. Zhongguancun Street is a street under the jurisdiction of Haidian District, Beijing.

    2. It is located in the central area of Zhongguancun Science Park.

    3. The district extends to the Beijing Baotou Line in the east, Zhongguancun Street in the west, Chengfu Road in the north, and North 3rd Ring West Road in the south.

    4. With a total area of 6.23 square kilometers, there are more than 160000 registered population and nearly 40000 floating population.

    5. It governs 30 communities.

    6. The office is located at 818/F, Huangzhuang Community.

    7. The scenic spots include the Great Bell Temple Ancient Bell Museum, etc.


    2024-07-02 22:01:36

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