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Xiao Dingquan (basic details about Xiao Dingquan)

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Xiao Dingquan (basic details about Xiao Dingquan)


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  • 2024-06-25 05:00:00

    1. Xiao Dingquan is the hero of the novel "Hejihuating", which is played by Luo Jin.

    2. In the play, Xiao Dingquan is the prince of the Southern Qi Dynasty, but he is kind-hearted, filial and cowardly. In addition, he is supported by powerful forces behind him, so he has become a thorn in his father's side. His father has always been estranged from him, preferring the commoner's eldest son, the King of Qi, and even conniving the King of Qi to fight for the throne with Xiao Dingquan.

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