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Spring grass will not return next year (basic details about spring grass will not return next year)

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Spring grass will not return next year (basic details about spring grass will not return next year)


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  • 2024-06-04 17:01:34

    1. Farewell in the Mountain is the work of Wang Wei, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty.

    2. This poem is about saying goodbye to friends, expressing the feeling of being reluctant to part with friends. The subject matter is very common, but the idea is very ingenious and unique.

    3. The most remarkable feature of the poem is that it does not write about the word "farewell", but focuses on the actions and thoughts after the farewell, and expresses the feelings of people in the poem looking forward to reuniting with friends when the grass turns green again in the next year.

    4. The whole poem is simple and natural in language, deep and sincere in emotion, ingenious and thought-provoking.

    The basic details of whether the spring grass will return next year will be explained in this article. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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