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Guangzhou Nansha Central Hospital (basic details about Guangzhou Nansha Central Hospital)

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Guangzhou Nansha Central Hospital (basic details about Guangzhou Nansha Central Hospital)


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  • 2024-07-02 21:00:52

    1. Nansha Hospital of Guangzhou No.1 People's Hospital (Guangzhou Nansha Central Hospital), located at No. 105, Fengze East Road, Nansha District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, was founded in July 2008. It is a tertiary general hospital integrating medical treatment, teaching, prevention and rehabilitation.

    2. It is a designated hospital for medical insurance and new rural cooperative medical system in Nansha District, and a designated hospital for free prenatal screening in Guangzhou.


    2024-07-02 21:00:52

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