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Bar headed Goose (Introduction to basic details of bar headed geese)

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Bar headed Goose (Introduction to basic details of bar headed geese)


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  • 2024-06-09 19:01:34

    1. The spotted goose (scientific name: Anser indicus) is a medium-sized goose, with a body length of 62-85cm and a weight of 2-3 kg.

    2. The whole body is mostly grayish brown, with white head and neck. There are two black spots on the top of the head. It is very eye-catching on the white head. It breeds in plateau lakes, especially salt lakes. It also chooses freshwater lakes and open and marshy areas.

    3. Overwintering in lowland lakes, rivers and marshes.

    4. They like to live in groups, and they live in groups during breeding, wintering and migration seasons.

    5. They mainly feed on the leaves, stems, grass, leguminous plant seeds and other plant foods of Gramineae and Cyperaceae plants, as well as shellfish, molluscs and other small invertebrates.

    6. It is distributed in Central Asia, Kashmir and Mongolia, and winters in India, Pakistan, Myanmar, Yunnan, China and other places.

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