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Yang Buhui's actor (basic details of Yang Buhui's actor)

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Yang Buhui's actor (basic details of Yang Buhui's actor)


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  • 2024-06-04 18:01:34

    1. Yang Buhui, a character in Jin Yong's novel "Yitian Slaughter the Dragon" and its derivative works, is the daughter of Ji Xiaofu, an expert disciple of the Emei Sect, and Yang Xiao, the left envoy of the Ming Dynasty.

    2. Ji Xiaofu and Yin Liting had an engagement first, and then met Yang Xiao. They fell in love with each other, and later gave birth to their daughter, Yang Buhui, who was named "Buhui" to express their regret for this relationship.

    3. Because Ji Xiaofu was an orphan, Yang Buhui was sent by Zhang Wuji, the main character, to his father Yang Xiao in the Western Regions when he was young. The two had a history of adventure and trouble, and they were called "sister Buhui" and "brother Wuji".

    4. Yang Buhui's love for Zhang Wuji was pure brother and sister, and he really fell in love with his mother's fiance Yin Liting.

    5. Yang Buhui repaid his parents' love debt, married Yin Liting, and was pregnant for several months before the end, happy.

    The basic details of Yang Buhui's actor in this article have been explained, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.


    2024-06-04 18:01:34

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