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Read and watch the cast (basic details about watching and watching the cast)

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Read and watch the cast (basic details about watching and watching the cast)


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  • 2024-07-02 22:01:36

    1. "Watching and Watching" is a family emotional drama premiered by Korean MBC TV station on March 2, 1998. It is directed by Zhang Douyi and starred by Jin Zhixiu, Zheng Baoshi, Yin Haiying, Xu Junhao, etc.

    2. The play takes Jinzhu, Yinzhu and Junhao's siblings as the main characters, and tells about the happiness and distress experienced by several pairs of young people in the pursuit of ideals and love.

    3. The film won the MBC Best Audience Award.


    2024-07-02 22:01:36

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